Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Neolamprologus cylindricus

Started by Mike L, September 04, 2013, 04:32:04 PM

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Mike L

  I'm looking to breed these in a 20 gallon long. Has anybody bred them before. Would this be a suitable size. I have done transcriptus in it before but these are more aggressive fish. Any help please


They're more aggressive and like a little more space, I think they would be much happier in a 20gal long than a 20 high. I find Neo. Cylindricus get along better than Neo. Lelupi, another very similar fish. As long as you have lots of rockwork I think you should be ok. They're a little bit slow growing in my experience, so try to get nice sized adults if you plan on breeding right away.

Mike L

 Thank for the input. From what I have read your bang on. The tank currently has multi'e in it. Started in Feb with 5 and now the tank has 27 as best as I can tell. I want to try something new and had 1 cylindricus many years ago that was just stunning. I have found some for sale at quebec cichlid but their minimum order is $150.00. Thinking maybe I should organize a group order.