Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

New EBR fry

Started by mm, November 29, 2014, 04:39:10 PM

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Picture of my 6 Gallon Licorice gourami breeding tank (parameters:KH=0, GH=2, TDS=63, pH=5.5, no CO2, seachem excel, no ammonia, nitrite or nitrate) and of my 5 gallon blue rasbora axelrodi (parameters:KH=0, GH=3, TDS=68, pH=5.3, no CO2, seachem excel, no ammonia, nitrite or nitrate).

You will notice that in ALL these tanks there are Indian Almond Leaves and driftwood.


Congrats mm!  I had an EB pair I also bought at CJ, and I had the hardest time raising the fry.  After 4/5 spawns, I finally had some success, but not like you.  I lost the parents now, RIP, but I still have one juvie left.  I had the hardest time to get them to eat.  They are just so tiny after hatching, it's crazy.  I fed them microworms, but didn't have any live BBS, so fed them first bites.  

I want to try them again, but at a later time. Anyhow, I think I finally figured out what will work for me.  The trick is to keep the ph super low to prevent fungus on those eggs, they are so prone to it!!  Then find a nutritious food small enough to fit their tiny mouths.  I tried infusoria, microorganisms, they made me so frustrated finding so many dead bodies.  I had 70+ wigglers!!  I used methylene blue until they were free-swimming.  I guess there's many methods of breeding EBRs, but they were by far the most challenging fish I've ever bred, not the breeding, but raising the fry.  I've learned a little since then.

Here's a pic of the parents, and the young, and my last surviving juvie.  I wish all the luck to you, if you still have 20, I think that's really good for your first spawn!!  

Give me ShReD till I'm dEaD!!!