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Help! Frontosa not eating!!

Started by lcoates, May 03, 2004, 09:42:35 PM

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I picked up a 7 inch Frontosa yesterday. I have bought other fish before , usually by the next morning thier eating without any problems, but this guy is not eating at all.
He was very dominant in his old home, but here he was some competition. Could this be why? I also noticed the PH was 7.6 and I keep mine at 8.2.
If anyome can help I would really appreciate any help I can get.
One last thing I feed Marine 40 and frozen cubes. He was feed the Cichlid pelt form food, in the red package.


It could be just the move to a new environment that is causing him to not eat, I am assuming you acclimated him slowly to the ph difference upon bringing him home?

Also, do you have other frontosas? Fronts are quite shy and do best in colonies of their own kind. If he is in with other kinds of fast moving fish, he will probably be skittish and hold back from rushing to the food.

what size tank do you have him in and with what other kinds of fish?


I would not worry much,  I have had fish take two to three days before they started eating.

IME larger fish seem to take longer to get used to the new environment.


Your front can go for at least a week without eating b4 it becomes a real problem. Also, Fronts rarely take food off the surface unless they see other fish doing so. I have one mixed in with a bunch of other Africans... he is always the last to eat.


Well I have 3 other Frontosa's , the others are actually all keeping close to him. He is in a 120g, with some Malawi Cichlids. My 5 inch Frontosa comes to the top routinely,actually his head comes right out of the water at feeding time.
He did eat one flake this morning, so it's a start. I have bought other big fish and they were eating almost immediately. The guy I got him from said he was not a big eater, so I will stop worrying so much. Thanks for all the help.


I agree with the other comments, sometimes at the store when we get LARGE fish 7"+ they don't eat for 1-2 weeks and they end up alright..tho anything more then that I would worry forsure, you might try different types of foods, especially good tasting ones just to get his appitite back, we usually use bloodworms/brineshrimp at the store to get fish eating like discus