Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Montreal Auction, Apr 8

Started by Jody, March 14, 2018, 11:13:33 PM

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Hiya Folks,

     In a couple of weeks Montreal's french club is having their spring auction. They are celebrating their 40th anniversary and have some special stuff planned for the event. Hopefully we can get a good group going to show OVAS' support.
     If you haven't gone before, it is a fun day, and there are different species that are typically not seen at our auction. Typically 1000+ items, and the prices are fair for both sellers and buyers.  We normally leave at about 7 am so we get there with lots of time to peruse the tables. The auction starts at 11, and runs until about 4 to 5 pm. It is a very well run auction, and even though the auctioneering is in french it is pretty easy to follow, just make sure to know your numbers a bit. There is a big screen with the the next 8-10 items coming up listed on it, so just keep an eye on that (pay attention to the auctioneers as well, as sometimes they grab the wrong item in line, and it comes up early).
    I currently already have 2 people booked for my car, and have space for one more person.

  If anyone else is interested in going, we could use some more drivers to car pool down, as well as more members to go down.



Received this from Francois (One of the La Sam Execs).

I did get answers from different companies and if we got everything for the auction, that was promise we should have items from Amazonas magasine, Northfin, Tropica plants, ABC plants, ZooMed, Aqueon, Seachem, Fluval.
Save some space in your car if you want again to bring back to Ottawa the largest items from the tombola!!


Also, OVAS is offering a subsidy to drivers willing to carpool down to help cover the costs of going down.
Driver alone  no subsidy
Driver +1  $10
Driver +2 $15
Driver +3 $20
Speak to me at the auction and I will make sure you get your subsidy

Hopefully we can entice a good group to go down..


sounds great! I'm interested in going up on the Sunday :)


I'd be interested if there is room in a car!
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


My car is booked full so far, but hopefully we can get a couple more car loads going down.
Anyone else going?



I will be driving up. Not sure how much space I will have yet though.


I was looking at their webpage and I was trying to find a list of registered items like we have but couldn't find one. Does SAM post a list ahead of time and if so where is it, my French reading skills aren't the greatest.


Try (translated):

I can't find the list - I don't remember if there is one available online, but they do provide a printed copy at the event for a small printing fee.


They don't have a posted list beforehand, but do offer a list there for $2


I've started registering items - if you register before Wednesday you receive bonus door prize tickets!


Let me know if any of you have room in your car :D
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


My car is currently full, but hopefully some others want to carpool down.
I know a couple of people have expressed interest in going down..



I will be driving up, early on Sunday morning. Pm me if need a ride


I have 1 spot in my car if anyone needs a ride down.


I have two spots available. Leaving from westboro/hintonburg area around 7/7:30am :) PM me if you are interested in coming


I'm thinking of going. Anyone looking for ride? PM me. I will plan to stay for entire event. Thanks


I want to go but I don't know if I can. Would need a ride if I do.
90g with 20g sump - Endlers, Kuhli loaches, Betta, Pearl gourami, Salt and pepper cories, Ottos, Assassin snails, Unlucky trumpet snails


I'm going up for the whole day on Sunday. Leaving westboro area at 7 and still have two spots in my car. I can pick up if on route or not to far