New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Hi Everyone! I finally signed up LOL

Started by trials_best, April 04, 2019, 08:32:39 PM

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Hi All,

I've been in the hobby for a bit but new to the forum. I've got a 55g planted angel tank and a 5g planted nano CPD tank.

Pic of my nano tank =)



Tank looks great especially the AR. Welcome to the forum (:


Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to checking out everything in the forum and the auctions/meetings.


Welcome : I also am a Angelfish fan . Love to see a picture of that tank as well if you are able.


Pic of my 55g angel tank. Just these two angels, some Amano shrimp, a few Ottos, a clown pleco and a few Pristella tetras. The angels spawn regularly.


You have two great looking tanks. Love  your Angelfish.


Beautiful angelfish and nicely planted tank


Thanks so much! I really want to get into gassing that 55 but haven't gotten anything for it yet. That's my next project.

Hopefully I'll have fry from the two angels at some point. They get eaten though LOL.


Hi : I do hope you are able to get the equipment in order to improve your planted tanks. As per having Angelfish fry I have only had when I removed the eggs from the tank. Unfortunately having a community tank as you said restricts the parents attention to raising fry because of anxiety from guarding them from the other fish.  . However perhaps more plants may help. Good luck
