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Plant contest

Started by squeeker, January 07, 2006, 10:55:24 PM

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I just thought it was time for a little plant contest flaming/bragging/whining!  

I don't know how everyone else's plants are doing, but I'm pretty impressed with mine!  It's in my goldfish tank, and aside from purchasing new fluorescent tubes recently, I don't add ferts or CO2... but I must be doing something right as it must be a good 10 inches high with a dozen leaves now!  I've never had a plant grow so well for me!

So how does everyone else measure up?


I think mine is bundled up with some dwarf sag around the intake of a filter. I'm surprised its still alive.


I'm new to real plants in my tanks, and despite my first tries (when I hated them), I'm thinking I do like them.
I've got some kind of floating ferny thing.....haven't got a clue what it's called, but I do know that 'cambomba' reminds me of the leaves in a way. I was told what it was when I bought it, but it was too long a name to remember when i got home.
anyway, it's in 2 of my tanks, and it has to be 10 times the size it was when I put part of it in each tank.
The babies love to hide in it, and I'm thinking I have to get rid of some soon....or the fish will have nowhere left to swim.
It just loves life in my tanks.


Quote from: "mseguin"I think mine is bundled up with some dwarf sag around the intake of a filter. I'm surprised its still alive.

OMG! ROTFLMAO, Matt, it sounds like you got my husband to look after it for you.  He had plastic plants when we met, and he didn't want to get rid of them ;)

Seriously, though, Squeeker, 10 inches tall?? Mine's still the same height as when we started, but it has about 8 leaves now.  I'm also surprised that it's still alive, but only because when I actually try to grow a plant, that's usually when something bad happens.


My plant got moved around a few times, and has had to endure a few algal blooms, and the fact that I don't have much time to micromanage my tanks.


Yah, I'm pretty proud!  Hopefully it keeps on growin'!


10 inches?  That's it?  I just checked mine with a ruler (I got one of those Black and Decker Automatic tape measures for christmas, always looking for more dumb ways to use a dumb tool) and mine is now topping 12 inches.  I think there's about 14 leaves.

Must be that "natural" experiment I'm's in a tank with no filter.


*sigh* Mine is still only showing 4 leaves, and is still only 6" tall. Every time a new leaf shoots out, I lose an older leaf. Maybe I'll try Squeak's method, and NOT try to make it grow ;-)