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Crypt Rot

Started by PNA, January 31, 2006, 10:21:20 PM

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I've got huge crypt rot going on right now.  Both crypts that were doing great are just melting away.  I've done large water changes and it's made no difference.  I haven't moved either of them for a few months.  It's sad 'cause one had begun to give plantlets, now they're melting as well.  
They're in a 20 G with 55W and DIY CO2.
Any ideas?


55 watt compact fluorescent?

Crypt rot happends from a major change.  Did you do a water change lately after not having done one for a long time?  Temp change?  New lights?  Root tab under the crypt all used up now?

Those are the things that trigger crypt rot.  Just leave it.. it'll grow back


Lights are NO. (2x20, 1x15).
One of my plants looks like it's going to completely melt away... is that rare?  Should I not be too concerned?  I was thinking of removing some of the offshoots.

I did have some root tabs.. maybe they've run out.. seems kind of sudden but I'll try to place new ones in.


The smaller plant's leaves have all melted.  Should I remove them?  Will the plant grow back?
The larger on has lost about 50% of it's leaves... any help?


When was the last time you changed your bulbs?  Likely, if its been a year plus, then their spectral output has changed, which crypts are sensitive to.

Don't prune anything... wait for stuff to simply detach from the crypt and then remove from the tank.


crypt is very sensitive to ph fluctuations.


So what should I actually do?  
Is it best to leave things exactly as they are, and let the crypt adapt?


Again.. how old are your fluorescent tubes?


My bulbs: 15W ~ 2 months; 20W(x2) ~8 months

My understanding is that the bulbs should be fine for 1-1.5 years.