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Timer for Tank Canopy

Started by Chinaman, September 11, 2006, 03:38:16 PM

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Would someone comment on the use of a timer for
the lights other than manually?  And are there 3-prong
timers available as both of my two canopies have
3-prong plugs?  Last but not least, is there a better way
to regulate the off/on lighting?

Any comments are appreciated.



At Zellers I found a power bar with 8 plugs that had a timer which controlled half of the bar, allowing the other half to not be regulated by the timer.  It was $20 or so, and was grounded, so three-prong plugs were usable. Works great for my lights.


I use a digital timer I picked up at CTC years ago. It is 3 pronged and works like a charm.
It can have up to 6 cycles. (3 0n 3 off) I don't recall the cost but the maker is Intermatic...
50 Gal Main aquarium w/ 40gal sump for filtration - Currently housing 19 cichlids.
4 - Labidochromis caeruleus - Electric Yellow Labs
5  - Cynotilapia Afra White Top "Hara Reef"
4 - Aulonocara sp. "OB " - Orange Blotch Peacock Cichlid
3 - Protomelas taeniolatus (Likoma Is.) Tangerine Tiger Cichlid
3 - Otopharynx Lithobates (Zimbawe Rock) - Aristo Yellow Blaze Cichlid
12 Gal grow tank - 40 + OB Peacock, Electric Yellow Labs, Hara Reef Afras Fry + maybe a Yellow Blaze Litho Fry or 2


Ooh, Shouganai, that sounds like an awesome gadget.

I have a digital timer from Canadian Tire. It only has one plug (3 prong) but you can program multiple on-off times.  I think it cost me $12 on sale, but it seems to be almost twice that now.


Oh, I thought I'd add: the timer/power bar I have is analog, but rather than using the little red and black toggles to set the on/off times, it has a little toggle switch at each 15 minute interval throughout the day, so you can make as many ons and offs as you'd like.


Digital timers and electronic ballasts are a no-no, they trickle a very tiny amount of electricity to the fixture when they're off, and this is a bad thing, it prematurely degrades both the bulbs and the ballasts(neither of which are cheap).

Intermatic is a good brand of timer, anywhere sells them, and I mean anywhere, you can get them in two-prong and grounded, more money for grounded, you can also get indoor or outdoor, I use outdoor, as they generally have a cover so I don't knock the clock whenever I'm fussing around the wires.

Timers are a good idea, especially if you have a reef tank or a planted tank, as they both require consistant duration in lighting at regular intervals, saves us having to remember to be precise all the time, less stress and fewer errors.

Home Depot has three-prong outdoor timers for $15, or indoor for $13, either will do, and then you'll wonder how you got along without.

A side note here though, I have my moonlighting on timers, and several ballasts on several timers, it emulates sunrise, sunset, and peak mid-day as well, it sort of gives a more natural progression of the day for the fish.

If you really get into the moonlight thing, there is a cool timer that is set in actual moon phases including new moons, it is so not cheap though, and requires a program from some planetary society to keep it perfectly tuned.


Quote from: Shouganai on September 11, 2006, 03:44:45 PM
At Zellers I found a power bar with 8 plugs that had a timer which controlled half of the bar, allowing the other half to not be regulated by the timer

The above is great if you have several items to turn on and off at the same time.

If you only have one light as i do to regulate, I use a Timex Type timer, it's 3 prongs for extra safety, no pins to loose, and pretty cheap $12.99
See image attached.
I also use these all over the house for several things.

On the other hand, I have been thinking of getting a digital timer with a back up battery in it, just in case the power goes off, it will no throw off the lighting settings.

What I would really like to find, is a timer that you can support two devices, such as one compact light for day use and a moon light, when one goes off, the other one turns on : )
I'm planing on adding some moon lights to my new upcoming set up : ) ) )

My 2 cents.

PS : I love the spell check gizmo : )

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: UCGrafix on September 11, 2006, 06:00:45 PM
al things.

What I would really like to find, is a timer that you can support two devices, such as one compact light for day use and a moon light, when one goes off, the other one turns on : )
I'm planing on adding some moon lights to my new upcoming set up : ) ) )


Quote from: babblefish1960 on September 11, 2006, 05:41:36 PM
Digital timers and electronic ballasts are a no-no, they trickle a very tiny amount of electricity to the fixture when they're off, and this is a bad thing, it prematurely degrades both the bulbs and the ballasts(neither of which are cheap).

I did not know that... But I've been using my Digital Timer for over 8 years., so I'm not likely to change now...  The thing I like about it is it has a battery backup so if the power goes out I don't loose the settings have to reset the clock...
50 Gal Main aquarium w/ 40gal sump for filtration - Currently housing 19 cichlids.
4 - Labidochromis caeruleus - Electric Yellow Labs
5  - Cynotilapia Afra White Top "Hara Reef"
4 - Aulonocara sp. "OB " - Orange Blotch Peacock Cichlid
3 - Protomelas taeniolatus (Likoma Is.) Tangerine Tiger Cichlid
3 - Otopharynx Lithobates (Zimbawe Rock) - Aristo Yellow Blaze Cichlid
12 Gal grow tank - 40 + OB Peacock, Electric Yellow Labs, Hara Reef Afras Fry + maybe a Yellow Blaze Litho Fry or 2


ok very good info, i was planning to get some coralife timers but zeller's would do, shouganai hope you are right!
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This is great.  Thanks so much for all this information, from
various perspectives.  I've found my answer.

Before I started this thread, I surfed the Net for some time...

This forum is packed with well informed individuals.



I personally use a bunch of Intermatic 2 and 3-prong timers...  They worked great and it's cheap...

May be a bit late now, but for the past half year, the Ontario Energy Conservation Board (sp?) has been handling out $5 coupons for the Intermatic timers.  I got mine at Home Depot a few months ago for $5 before the coupon.  So, it's actually free with the coupon!!!  Wait no, it gets better...  I got 10% off when I used my HD card at the time, so I actually got money back for buying those Intermac timers :-)  I've picked up about 8 or 10 of these things...  Can't complain at all :-)

    [li]72 gal bow: various exotic cichlids


The energy offer expired August 31st.


Quote from: FishBuddy on September 13, 2006, 12:47:23 PM
I personally use a bunch of Intermatic 2 and 3-prong timers...  They worked great and it's cheap...

May be a bit late now, but for the past half year, the Ontario Energy Conservation Board (sp?) has been handling out $5 coupons for the Intermatic timers.  I got mine at Home Depot a few months ago for $5 before the coupon.  So, it's actually free with the coupon!!!  Wait no, it gets better...  I got 10% off when I used my HD card at the time, so I actually got money back for buying those Intermac timers :-)  I've picked up about 8 or 10 of these things...  Can't complain at all :-)

Hi Fishbuddy:

You were in the right place at the right time......I got an urge to pick
up a timer yesterday, at the Walmart in Kanata.  As there weren't
many varieties on the shelves, I bought a Intermatic digital with Astro../
sunrise/sunset features. This one costed me $29.95.   It's a little overkill as I only need a basic 3-prong manual timer.  Will probably pick up some at HD as Babblefish60 said they were going for $13 - $15.  Maybe I will shelve the one I picked up last night for other uses when I get some from HD.




Quote from: Mila on September 11, 2006, 06:17:11 PM

Thanks Mila,

I have been asking around for one of these for ever, and every one said " they don't make them ". lol