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Otos, SAEs and CAEs

Started by fishycanuck, September 16, 2006, 09:44:34 PM

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So today I was at Wal-Mart, South Keys. I know, I know - not the best place for fish, I was just looking around, and listening to the staffer who really did seem to know what she was about. I was admiring what looked like a white oto cat, and was about to buy it, but the clerk said it was an AE (I don't remember if she said Chinese or Siamese) and that it could grow quite large.

Now, I remember in the past being cautioned about the various algae eaters, that otos were fine, but the algae eaters get large and not very good at eating algae - also that they are difficult to tell apart.  I had poor success with plecos in the past, but I was very much the beginner then, too. I have lots of snails, but the loaches enjoy them as much as they enjoy the algae.

Here's my quandry - I would like another algae eater  or bottom feeder of some kind in my 40G. Growing to 4-6 inches doesn't bother me, he was an interesting albino colour... but he has to pull his weight. What do you  recommend?


If she said they were chinese, forget it, really bad idea, they are nasty, if she said siamese, well, there are things to look for, but because it's albino, some of the more obvious tell-tales will be missing, or at least difficult to determine. And if flying fox comes into it at all, well, let's just say that algae will not be eaten once these critters grow, but someone else might.

Now I realize I'm slandering fish people love, but you might well be better off making the trek somewhere to get oto's or real SAE's, or heck, even a few cute little bristle or bushy nose pleco's.

Good luck with the burning hole in your pocket, and obvious moral dilemna.


If it is oto's you are looking for, there is 2 tanks full at Big AL's Kanata and I saw 1 tank full at SuperPet Merivale. There is also BN plecos at both these places.


I would go for a BN or two unless there's a reason you want otos or SAE.  There are some folks on OVAS who sell baby BN plecos - they do a great job and the bonus is they are locally bred.  I've got SAE too, and mine like to school with each other, so I would recommend not keeping them singly.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


For algea eating I've always loved the amano shrimp.  Plus if they're big enough they don't spend as much time hiding.


OK, BN or shrimp it is... if anyone is selling, I'm buying!