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freeze dried brine shrimp?

Started by heinz, October 18, 2006, 06:22:04 PM

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I've been told there is no nutritional value in freeze dried fish food, is this true?

Can anyone provide proven research that would validate this claim?


"Freeze dried fish food"?  Absolutely not true.  If you mean Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp specifically, IMHO there is very little nutritional value in that...but there are a lot of freeze dried foods that are highly nutritious.  Most off-the-shelf fish foods and flakes are freeze dried, and most are very nutritious.

Also, freeze dried bloodworms, earthworms, mysis shrimp, etc are all quite good.  It's Brine Shrimp that suck :)


Brine Shrimp are fiber for your fish  ;)


Yep, Brine Shrimp are pretty much all fiber...virtually no meat on them compared to their shells.


yet my dwarf puffers wont eat anything else but brine shrimp, and they are doing well..hmmmm!!! I tried mysis and bloodworms, yuck they said.


Terry:  Are you using Freeze Dried brine shrimp or frozen?

Just cause the nutrition sucks doesn't mean the fish won't eat it...remember teenagers and all the garbage they eat :)


So where can I buy freeze-dried brine shrimp, the mysis is too large. And does anyone know where freeze-dried daphnia can be bought?


oops sorry it was frozen brine not freeze dried.