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Rainbowfish - update/very short video

Started by KLKelly, October 26, 2006, 10:15:46 AM

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It looks like he is trying to get out of the tank.
Water changes will also help to remove the ammonia.   
Do you clean your substrate?


Ammonia is at zero.

doing small water changes daily.

I think they are acting stressed - i'm trying to determine what is wrong with them.


You have a nitrite and nitrAte test kit?  What are the readings?


Looks like pretty healthy to me, just stress out I think. they need some hiding spot, preferably plants and maybe cover one corner of the tanks (the glass not top) with cardboard until they got used to your tank environment.
75 gal - Mosquito rasbora, Bushynose pleco, RCS
9 gal - CRS
40 gal - Longfin Albino Bushynose pleco, RCS


Quote from: Julie on October 29, 2006, 08:24:30 PM
You have a nitrite and nitrAte test kit?  What are the readings?
will want to know also.
this behavior is for me a fish who is not confortable in his actual environnement.
stress at the max , i am prety sure.


Thanks guys - I thought maybe it was flashing or something -it looked like they were doing caged zoo animal pacing- I know they are very stressed because they lost all their colour and feel horrible for them :(  I'll space out the potted plants in their more - I had them bunched together and maybe they'll prefer it.  I'll put in a terricotta pot also.

I'll monitor the flicking/red gills/rapid breathing - if one more of them dies that will be the catalyst for treatment.

I am confident in the water numbers being optimal for them.  I'll take a sample into big als this afternoon for peace of mind.



Just got back from a trip to Big Als and had them check a water sample.

Ammonia is confirmed at 0, Nitrates are 0, nitrites 0 and ph 7.6.  Water is perfect.  The tank had a fair amount of plants but I removed a bunch yesterday.  Nitrates may climb but I'll keep an eye on them also.

I'll continue to focus on the water.  Hopefully everything is just a symptom of stress and they'll all get better.

Thanks for everyones help.



Good luck, Karrie.  I'm glad to hear your water quality is good.
Perhaps you should be adding more plants instead of removing them, to create more hiding places as was previously suggested?


PS where did you buy your fish from?