Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

weird experience

Started by charlie, October 31, 2006, 04:12:18 PM

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On Mon. afternoon, i arrived home from work & did my usual once over of my tanks , to my dismay i saw some dead fish in my 75 gln ( 2 lge SAE, 1 Bosemani rainbow, & 1 amano shrimp ), after removing them & inspecting the carcass ( no signs of external problems) i checked my water parameters & everything checked out fine. All the other inhabitants are doing fine & show no signs of stress or ill including the lone remaining SAE & several other amano shrimp, PUZZLED,


Sorry to hear about your loss Charlie.  Hope you can figure out what happened.


check the heater.  There could be a short.



Thanks torch89, hope i do.
SuperT, i checked the heater, it seems fine , no sign of a leak, thanks for your suggestion.


Just another thought, i had a thermometer break in the tank (although it was a mircle that i was standing there when it happended) possible break there?  or gas pocket release from the substrate?

Just throwing some ideas out there.  hope you can narrow it down.



It's a bad time of year for Boesemani rainbows I guess... sorry, Charlie! I hope you don't lose any more.


Thanks folks , i`m thinking a small gas pocket release.