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Started by zurus, November 19, 2006, 07:50:32 PM

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Hello, Does anyone have any advice, articles, etc on raising fry? I think with the demasoni's I got a few days ago either some fry got scooped up with the water or one of the females were holding as I saw them swimming around the top of my aquarium the day after I got them. Right now there are 6 and I put them in my 45 gallon as I didn't have anything smaller or a fry net to keep them in the big tank.

Does anyone know how long it will take for them to grow?? Right now they are arrox. a few mm in length.



I know i am not no pro at this ...however i do breed guppies and mollies as well angelfish..For as far as care goes.. I will start fry off in a 20gallon its harder for fry to find food in a bigger tank..I will keep the temp up to about 75F-80F ,and feed 4 times a small feedings,brineshrimp,bloodworms,fine flake food and I aslo feed egg yoke (onces a day )
also fry will grow pretty fast if feed good,and with about a 20% water change daily(again this all works for me others may feel thats to offten of a water change)
my fry take about 6-8 weeks to grow (not full size but very close to it)
I hope this helps you out abit...
good luck with your new babies!


African Cichlids are alot different than guppies and mollies. They are more aggressive. Especially Demansoni, I would personally figure out how to get a breeding net, another tank or something and remove the fry. This is, if you would like to keep you fry. Their growth is also pretty slow. And feeding high protein foods like mentioned will kill off your whole tank. Too much protein in their diet will contribute to Malawi Bloat. I personally would feed them Spirilina Flakes and for a treat maybe some brine shrimp. For Fry, the best thing to feed them would be either crushed flakes, or liquid food. (Depending on the size of the fry.)


Quote from: cory on November 19, 2006, 10:47:04 PM
African Cichlids are alot different than guppies and mollies. They are more aggressive. Especially Demansoni, I would personally figure out how to get a breeding net, another tank or something and remove the fry. This is, if you would like to keep you fry. Their growth is also pretty slow. And feeding high protein foods like mentioned will kill off your whole tank. Too much protein in their diet will contribute to Malawi Bloat. I personally would feed them Spirilina Flakes and for a treat maybe some brine shrimp. For Fry, the best thing to feed them would be either crushed flakes, or liquid food. (Depending on the size of the fry.)
Hello! I know they are ...I was just trying to gave him/her a little help on what to feed and like he said he had remove them to another tank ..because he didnt have anything smaller..I do breed angelfish too what belong to the cichlid family..i wasnt trying to tell him to raise  his fry like i raise  my guppies/  god ...and egg yoke  is a high protein
food...Not to be feed all the time but as a treat....


I just wanted to back up Sharon's advice. Fry are Fry, most African's are actually very easy fry to raise because they start so large.  I see nothing wrong with the live food as long as they are carefull with quantities. Cory's advice to add veggie flakes is also important for mbuna.


Quote from: Sue on November 21, 2006, 05:33:42 PM
I just wanted to back up Sharon's advice. Fry are Fry, most African's are actually very easy fry to raise because they start so large.  I see nothing wrong with the live food as long as they are carefull with quantities. Cory's advice to add veggie flakes is also important for mbuna.
Thanks for backing me up sue...I would'nt have said anything about the care of fry ..unless I knew, for sure that this is all in the health of the fry..I try to lookout for all types fish health,not just the ones I have ... :)
