Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Thank you Marc

Started by pegasus, October 19, 2004, 01:06:39 PM

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Great job on re-installing our WEB site, and my regards to your little family that had to time shared their dad this weekend. :)



Great job Marc and web team.

Loyed  :D
"A man with hobbies never has time to waste" B.P


I agree!  Thanks for all your hard work Marc and the web team!


Completely agree!
Thanks a lot! To you and your families!


Marc did 99% of the work - as always :)


Thanks from me too, although I don't post much, I read everything and have learned a lot from y'all.  Felt lost while the site was down.


Thank you very much Marc and the webteam. :mrgreen:
Glad to see the site back up!


I also would like to  thank you very much Marc and the webteam. I rarely write but check the site each day at least once but usually more than that. I also missed it.


:lol:  *clap*clap**clap*clap**clap*clap**clap*clap*  :lol:


Oh thank goodness, we're back!

Thanks to all that made this happen in such a short time! Well done!


Thanks for getting the site back up, I read everyday,I was lost without the site. :)


I'm curious.. who was our former web hosting service?  It would be good to know who to avoid for not fulfilling their agreements..


You're welcome everyone.   It wasn't too bad.  A lot of the time was spent just waiting for the pieces to fall into place.

BigDaddy, IMO they were in a gray area because we did get all the services we paid for.  We were just starting a second year with them and they had taken their payment but they refunded it.  

They claimed we were using more than our share of services which is against their  "Terms of Services".  I re-read their TOS and I don't think we contravened anything they have in there.  Our website does use more services than a static html based website.  Every page on our website is dynamically created by a PHP program when it is called.   Still, our website is not that popular so I don't think we were using an unfair amount of services and many websites function this way now.

I think it all boils down to the fact that we were using more services than they were willing to provide for $48 US per year.

I can't argue with that, they're allowed to choose their clients if they want to.  The only thing I can fault them with is not giving us any warning.  The courtesy of 1 or 2 weeks warning would have been fair and reasonable.  It's not like we were doing anything illegal or anything clearly against their rules.

I won't be posting their name here to avoid any legal issues.  If you really want to know pm me.
