Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

BA Boxing Day Sale - Pre-sale Breakfast

Started by darkdep, December 21, 2006, 03:59:25 PM

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For those planning on attending the BA Boxing Day Sale; I'm proposing a bit of a breakfast get-together ahead of time.  Let me know if you're interested.

We'll plan to be in line very early to ensure we're there first in line as well.


I'm assuming this is a crazy "we don't hang our clothes in our backyards" Kanata getogether?  ;D


I'll be going to the Montreal one so I won't be there sounds like it could be fun!!


Well, I hadn't really decided.  I guess I was gonna see where most people wanted to go.


I will be there got my eyes on one of the 75 or 90 gal..... hehehe and lots  of salt!!!!

can't wait... I never do the boxing day shopping but am looking foward to this

90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


Does anyone have a link to the flyer yet?

I recommend local heroes on carling ave. near march road for breakfast.