Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

1st OVAS General Meeting of 2007

Started by babblefish1960, January 02, 2007, 10:28:08 AM

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Hello all, I see we all made it through the holidays.

Brace yourselves, for we have some exciting events planned for the general meetings.

January, it is going to be great.

February too, there will be some alterations to the regular schedule however, to accomodate a speaker you won't want to miss!

March will be hosted by two of our own brilliant oraters, so plan to be entertained.

Watch this page for upcoming details


Upcoming details as promised!

It's that time again! Our next meeting will be held on

Monday, January 22nd at the Jack Purcell Community Centre
at 7:00pm sharp

Events include:

       *a presentation by The Pond Clinic on how to set up a pond

       * the start of the long-awaited Plant Contest! (keep your fingers crossed)

       *of course the Mini Auction - if you would like to pre-register your auction items,
         please contact Art or visit this thread

We hope to see you all there!


Grrr I'll be Winnipeg on business.  I leave that afternoon and I am only back the 24th.  Sucks I still have no been able to go to one of the meetings.


Hurray, the plant contest at last!  My green thumb is getting sooo excited  :)


Please find attached a summary of the upcoming presentation (next Monday's meeting) by The Pond Clinic!

[attachment deleted by admin]


Will there be minutes of the presentation available for people like myself who cannot attend?  Or even better does anyone record these presentation for future viewing by members?


It should be great fun after such a long hiatus, don't forget to come for 7 pm sharp.


Are we confirmed for the plant contest?
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Hope you guys have fun I'll be thinking of you while I sit in my hotel room in Winnipeg  >:(


For those attending the meeting tonight, parking noted as Purcell parking is monitored. Tickets are issued if a permit isn't picked up from the front desk before the meeting. Please provide proof of club membership, and the make, colour and plate number of your car.

The old parking passes expired on December 31st, 2006.


'twas a fine meeting. Hope you all enjoyed the aquatic plant cookies... the ones with red and green dots in them.
Oh, did you want those for the contest? So sorry... :-\
BTW, Babble and PassionFishEtte have volunteered to come dig my new pond. Right now. Through the ice. Aren't they sweet? :D