Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Giant Auction: Request for Volunteers

Started by artw, February 07, 2007, 09:07:40 AM

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Giant Auction - Request for Volunteers

NOTE: If you are interested after reading below, please PM me with the subject "Giant Auction Volunteer"  Only post in this thread if you have a question.

Well folks its this time of year again, the annual Giant Auction is just around the corner,  March 04th to be exact.
Each year OVAS Members and Executive work very hard to have this event,  and thanks to you volunteers of previous years our Auctions have been a tremendous success.

We currently require volunteers for the following areas:  more may be added after Mondays Executive meeting.   Here is a list and a short description of the help we need.

normally we like to have 3 or perhaps 4, because obviously this can be a very tiring job for 1 or 2 people to do.   We respectfully request that the Auctioneers are able to speak fluent English in a clear, loud voice. there will be a sound system in place.

this is an extremely important position, these people write down what sells, and who buys the items. generally we use 2 recorders, 1 to write stuff down and 1 to pay attention if the other person missed something.

3 or 4 people needed, these people carry the recording sheets back to  me so I can enter them into the computer

we need some people to run the cash, there will be 2 cashier stations, one at each side of the Auctioneer.  Generally in previous years some members of the Executive have volunteered to do this job.  the Cashiers will also be responsible for cashing out vendors at the end of the day. Ideally we need at least 2 people and maybe a third for cover.

-Kitchen Staff
at least 4 people to help out in the Kitchen, preparing and selling goodies

Raffle tickets
-  someone to sell raffle tickets

-people to move stuff onto tables and bring them up to the front

an important job, people to show up a few hours early and setup tables, and park the raffle goodies in the right spots

in previous auctions we found it very helpful if we had a few people at the door, to introduce people to the Auction, and to help the get registered, and to show them where to put there stuff.

people are needed at the end of the day to stay for an hour or so after the Auction to put the tables away, clean the floor and make sure the room is clean and orderly as per Jack Purcell standards

thats me

Whiteboard operator
a whiteboard to show what lots were coming up next. we need someone to do it.