Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by artw, February 14, 2007, 09:05:48 AM

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The 2007 Ottawa Valley Aquarium Society's Annual fund raising auction will take place on Sunday March 4, 2007. We hope you will be able to attend.

The OVAS giant auction takes place at the Jack Purcell Community Center, 320 Jack Purcell Lane (near Elgin & Gilmour), Ottawa.

Please help make our event a success this year and pass the word along to your friends. Remember it costs nothing to come to the auction and membership in the club is not necessary to go to the auction. There are often great deals to be had on fish, plants and used equipment!

Everyone is encouraged to bring in items to sell. Make sure to look through your fish room to find those items you don't use anymore or weed out those overgrown plants. Make some space for those new fish you want to buy.

There are changes to the procedures this year. The changes are shown in bold below.

To make your visit as pleasant as possible coffee, soft drinks and snacks will be for sale.

  • Pre-registration is encouraged.  Sellers can email their list of items to starting February 14 2007. 

  • Like previous years, OVAS will retain a percentage from each item sold.  This year, these percentages are changing.  Please read carefully to see where you fit in.

  • Card holding OVAS members who pre-register their items to sell on or before March 3rd, the percentage taken will be 25%,  and you will receive 5 raffle tickets as an incentive to register.  You must show your membership card on the day of the Auction to get the raffle tickets. 

  • Card holding members who do not pre-register items to sell, the percentage will be 25%. 

  • Non members who pre-register items on or before March 3rd, the percentage taken will be 25%.

  • Non members who do not preregister items, the percentage taken will be 40%.

  • NOTE: "MEMBER" means a member of the OVAS club, not a member of the Forum.

  • Pre-viewing of items will start at approximately 10:00am and continue until the auction starts.

  • The auction begins at 1:00 pm and goes until around 7pm.

  • All sales are final and all items are purchased "AS IS"

  • All items, once declared sold, become the responsibility of the purchaser

  • Bidding for any item will start at no less than $2.00 and will increase in $1.00 increments

  • All items must be paid for at the front of the auction room as soon as they are won.

  • Payments by CASH only. NO Credit Cards or cheques accepted.

Bidder Procedures:

1. Fill out a registration form.

2. Remit the registration form to us and we will assign you a bidder number and give you a bidder card.

3. To bid on an item lift your auction number above your head as soon as the item is offered for auction. The auctionneer will start announcing the item price and will increase in $1.00 increments (eg. $2, $3, $4,....) Leave your auction number up until you have won the item or until you want to drop out. Once you have lowered your auction number you cannot raise it again. Late bids will not be accepted.

4. All items must be paid for at the front of the auction room as soon as they are won.

5. Payments by CASH only. NO Credit Cards or cheques accepted.

Vendor Rules and Procedures:

1. Fill out a registration form (same form as the bidder form, you only need to fill it out once).

2. If you did not pre-register items, enter the items that you are bringing for sale onto the Item Registration Sheet.

3. Remit the forms to us and we will assign you a bidder/vendor number and give you a bidder card.

4. Your items will be entered into our computer programs and labels for your items will be printed. When you receive your labels place them onto your items and bring the items to the display tables.

5. All items must be registered and must bear the label given to you by OVAS. Any unregistered items will be removed.

6. All items must be related to the aquarium hobby.

7. OVAS reserves the right to reject any items not suitable for sale including, but not limited to, deformed fish, species crosses and banned or restricted livestock. Broken or defective equipment.

8. Bidding starts at $2.00. Make sure that each of your items will sell for at least $2.00. Group items together if necessary.

9. If you are not able to remain until the end of the auction, or if there are processing delays, your statement and a cheque for your share of the sales will be mailed to you shortly after the auction.

10. Minimum bids will be honoured but items will only be offered for sale once.

11. If your items do not sell you must pick them up at the end of the auction or you can donate them to the club if you wish. Unclaimed items become the property of OVAS.

12. Please be aware that OVAS receives a commission from the sales proceeds, as indicated at the top of this notice.