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Freshwater Stingrays

Started by speckledmind, March 03, 2007, 12:11:08 PM

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Have any of you keeping or have ever kept Freshwater Stingrays ?

One of the LFS in Gatineau has them, they are pretty pricey, but WoW, what a nice fishy fishy.
I have done a bit of research on them, they seem pretty easy to keep and care for if fed small amounts of shrimps with the scales removed, although they will prey on other fish in a community tank if these are to small, it certainly offer a great potential in my 75 Gal in progress.

So ! before I go nuts with this idea, I would be interested in knowing if any of you are keeping them right now, or have kept them in the past.

Let me know.


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Stingrays are easy to keep, easy to feed, become quite tame and very socialable. Of all the stingrays I have kept, and this goes back a few years, the only factors I took in consideration is nothing in the aquarium that could injury them, sharp rocks, pointy driftwood and they must have clean water. Adequate filtration and regular waterchanges, 40 to 50% a week.
They are beautiful fish and worth the effort.



I would get one if I had a sand bed for one, but I'm not willing to give up the gravel.


Hey Woody,

What should I expect to pay for one of these spotted Freshwater Stingrays ?
Can you get them ?

They get to be 18 inche with tail as I read, so I would like to start of with one juvies.


SP Kanata had a teacup stingray last weekend, think they were asking 159.99? Big Als' also had 3 I believe but they were marked sold? The 3 at Big Als' were very dark and in a tank with dark substrate, hard to see. HTH :)
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Thanks sas,

I know they are pricy, but I also know that the guy in Gatineau who has some was way off asking $250 some bucks plus tax for his.
He's always soooo... expensive on everything ::)

Hey PuddleDuck,
You can keep those on gravel I read.
See image borrowed  ;)

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