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At a loss - weather loach with blister under eye

Started by KLKelly, March 17, 2007, 11:23:10 AM

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Hi Guys,

I posted this on the forum but haven't received a response.  I have two weather loaches 3" each in a 20 gallon quarantine tank.  I'm constantly getting cycle blips in this tank and keep adding cycled media.  Not medicated or anything - another story.

They've been in QT about thirty days.  I was waiting for the water to be stable so I could start a round of prazi (they were in with goldfish at the LFS - some of the other loaches were extremely thin - another reason for a long QT).

Yesterday one of them had a white blister under his eye:

I've been looking online for hours now and can't find anything at all and getting quite frustrated.

This morning there is white showing up under the other eye.

Any ideas what this could be and recommended treatment?




Sorry I can't be of much help... but that doesn't look good.  I'd certainly prazi them... but as for the blister, not sure, but you might want to consider a wide-spectrum antibiotic as it's probably pus-filled. 

Weather loaches are great little fish, though!  good luck!


I'm really glad I got them and they are a blast to watch. 

I was leaning towards maracyn plus (I also have maracyn I and II).

Thanks for the feedback.


Hey guys - just for reference in the future - it looks like it is most likely popeye.

Someone on the loach forum replied with a link to this article:  The description:
QuoteYou may see a large ring of white "skin" around the base of the eye. This tough tissue, that helps to hold the eye in its' socket, is being stretched as the eye bulges. Your fish may show other symptoms such as being less active and not eating

So looks like I'll continue the medigold and debating whether to treat the tank (I can't keep this tank cycled for some reason - not sure if its because its not heated - 70 degrees room temp - or not.  I can't steal any more media from the 90 gallon or I risk crashing it.



You could always do frequent water changes and use Prime to detox any remaining ammonia and nitrite... forget the cycle and just change 50% or more of the water every day.  It's a pain,  but if the tank won't cycle, it's better than putting the fish through the bouncing water params.

I agree that it could be popeye, and as such I'd continue the medigold, and run a round of maracyn 1&2 together, or triple sulfa, which I've had good luck with.