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African Dwarf Frog Tadpoles

Started by gonna_b_no_1, March 11, 2007, 01:38:53 PM

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Thanks to pegasus (merci michel!) I can finally show off a few pics of my tadpoles! :)

I beleive that this morning I actually saw the beginnings of back legs on them!  wooot!

I also now have a 2nd tank full of tads that hatched out yesterday.

Mom and dad are still laying eggs now....3 weeks in a row!  I'm starting to wonder if i should move dad out of tank, he's only thinking about 1 thing, and isn't eating the way he normally does. 

Can our boy froggie burn out?  Can the girls keep up with him?  Only time will tell in.....(cue sappy music)  "The day of Frogs Lives"



That is so cool....Congrats Francine.    Very nice pics too.


Pegasus came to take the pics, so all the credits go to him for that. 

I couldn't take a picture of these guys, they're actually quite small and with my camera phone...well i can only do so much  lol


hey francine
realy happy to see them
let us know how things go


yea realy cool... nice pic's too that is one busy frog by the sound of it
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


sigh...they laid more eggs last night!  I'm running out of tanks to put them in!


Thanks Francine, 90% of the eggs you gave me hatched yesterday. Now I see why you need green water to feed them.  :)


Are these aquatic frogs? cause if so my girlfriend loves froggies, and maybe i can help tak a few off your hands :D


QuoteThanks Francine, 90% of the eggs you gave me hatched yesterday. Now I see why you need green water to feed them. 

Yeah, they're real little when they hatch out.  In a few days you can start baby brine shrimp for them.  After about 2 weeks you can try them with microworms :)

QuoteAre these aquatic frogs? cause if so my girlfriend loves froggies, and maybe i can help tak a few off your hands

Yes, african dwarf frogs are aquatic frogs.  We've got a while to go before I can think about rehoming any though!


Clemme know when the time is right


Congrats on bringing them along this far.  I remember you had problems when you tried hatching them before. 
Would you mind sharing what you've fed them at different stages?  I'm curious and it would be helpful for any other folks researching them.

700 gal pond - Rosy reds


For the last 2 years, I've probably had them spawn at least 10-15 times and I've lost each and every tad at the 3-4 week old stage. 

I was fortunate enough to meet someone online who is helping me through this spawning.  It's the furthest I've had the tads survive so far.  2/3/07 is when these guys were laid. 

First foods:  inforusia, then moved onto bbs, then a mix of bbs and microworms.

This morning, I definately see a little pair of back legs on 1 of them, and a few more have little nubs where their legs should be :D

Let's see if pegasus can have better luck.  I have given him a bunch of eggs.   

My gang spawned again last night and I'm debating if I actually have the room for more tads ;D


pm sent to you nissan  :)

Let's see if the little stud froggie has it in him for another spawning tonight  lol

I swear he's smiling every morning lately   lol


No eggs this morning but my boy was singing all night! 

Nothing like falling asleep to the sound of an african dwarf frog singing his intentions to his girls!

(yes.they do sing!!!)


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