Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

My Apologies!

Started by busdriver, March 26, 2007, 10:00:34 PM

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Babble, I would like to apologise for walking in, in the middle of your presentation.
I would have liked to have been there for the whole thing, but for some reason I thought the meeting started at 7:30
Yes I know, all I had to do was look it up, but!
Again, sorry.
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


Yeah Dad... geez

Babble... It's all his fault  8)

ETA: Great presentation!


No worries busboy, I'm glad you could make it and catch some of the fun.

You tell him jodes22, give him what for there girl, and thanks for the kind words.


Great presentation by both members.  So i have to remember to keep some cichilds under my bed and give the killie fish a cold shower for them to breed...errr wait or was that the other way around. ::)


By the way Jodes you are a great actioner. I bought the snails. Cool.


actioner= auctioner(sp)


Jodes wasn't auctioneering.. that was the VP (aka PaleoFishGirl)


I think you may well be referring to our madame Vice President, paleofishgirl, she has a way with the auction I've net seen used quite in that manner before. Good for you for buying the snails, I guess we can label you a bona fide snail weirdo now.

I might suggest that jodes22 would make an interesting auctioneer as well, she suffers her father's humour rather well, sort of a shoe in if you will. ;)


I must concur that it was not I, but the lovely and talented Madame VP, PaleoFishGirl, who was auctioneering. Glad you like the snails, though.

I must also concur, babble, that I have inherited my father's sense of humour. Or, perhaps, my odd sense of humour goes along with my given name, which is an awful lot like someone else's... ;)



I use to collect snails in a bucket down by the pond when i was a wee tYke.
My appologies Paloface and Jodes so many new faces and double names hard to keep it all straight.


That's quite alright washefuzzy!!  :)


Terry, go to your room and stand in a corner.


You tell him fishydear, and stick him in a round room for the task as well.

That is very funny jodes22, at least you haven't as yet inherited that crazy man hairdo and outrageous clothing. INsofar as having a cursed name, I see it, but I don't feel up to the effort required to refute it all, whatever that is to do.


I have to appoligize to Paleofish for calling her Paleoface memory not what it use to be! :P


Wow, everyone is just apologizing for everything in here :) No worries, I can always use another nickname! :D