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Was it the CO2?

Started by neon, March 27, 2007, 01:22:20 PM

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I had my CO2 kit unplugged for a while, due to an algae problem.  Algae cleared up so I decided to plug the co2 back in.  When I did, it spurted out a big one.  The next morning, I got up and turned the light on.  What a shock!!!  My whole tank was white, 3 of my fish were dead, and the rest were on the surface gasping.  There were long white threads floating in the water.  I immediately changed half the water, unplugged the co2, and put in a clarifier to clump the stuff together.  That night, I performed another water change.  Its much better, but not completely, and now I've noticed my algae coming back.  I'm just not having much luck these days with my tank.


Is this a generator setup, or pressurized?  I'm assuming it was a yeast/sugar generator.  Did the mix wind up in the tank?  Kinda sounds like it did...


It was a yeast setup, and I think when it gave that big spurt at the startup, it did end up in the tank.  So I guess with the warm water and all, I was basically on my way to making aquarium bread.  :) 


Yikes.  What do you mean you plugged it back in? Into what?


Plugged it back into the power supply.  I have a Red Sea setup, which pumps the co2 in electrically.  It was working ok before, but like I said, I had it unplugged while I was treating the algae problem and I think when I plugged it back in to start it up again it just shot out this huge amount.  I shook it too before I plugged it back in, so, yes, I'm sure it shot actual yeast into the water, not just co2.  Live and learn, unfortunate as it may have been for the fish I lost.


Okay, there's your problem.  The Red Sea kit you have is NOT designed for a yeast generator.  It only works with a pressurized CO2 canister.


Its the stuff that came with the kit.  I just assumed it was yeast because thats what it looked like to me.


Ahhh... so you are using the diffusion pump, but didn't disconnect the CO2 line when you turned it off?  Then yes, the pressure would have built up huge, and likely the release of pressure by powering the pump would have caused some of the mix to get sucked into the pump.

In the future, if you have to stop CO2 for whatever reason... disconnect the line so you don't get another pressure build up.


Thats exactly what must have happened.  I'll remember if there is ever a next time.  Thanks.