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ghost shrimp

Started by gonna_b_no_1, March 09, 2007, 07:10:57 AM

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Looked into my shrimp tank and saw this little white thingies darting around....babies!!

anyone have some inforusia to spare???  I really didn't expect them to be so small!!


My understanding is that applesnails help produce infusoria in a tank, and I know you have applesnails ;)
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


LOL  yeah, we sold them all off!  I only have a few left in my fish tanks now. 

No inforusia in this house at all!

I do have a huge bottle of waterfleas.....maybe i'll try the water from those.


are you talking of ghost shrimp baby ?
i breed them about ten time, any fish in the tank will eat them , even the parent will eat them


Well, right now I have a TON of little white irratic dots in the tank. 

Should I take the adults out of the tank?  I still have a female or 2 that have eggs under their bellies...


Hi Francine
Those little white dots that move irratic would not be cyclops, would they? My cherry shrimp babies don't really move irratically, never had ghost shrimp though.Cyclops swim with a very jerky motion and are common in aquariums.


The only thing in that tank are the ghost shrimp.

One of the females is missing the eggs she's been carring around, so I assume it is baby ghost shrimp.

I still see them today and I added a nice layer of duckweed to the tank.

I'm not even going to attempt photography with this tank  lol


Quote from: henry on March 10, 2007, 08:36:26 AM
Hi Francine
Those little white dots that move irratic would not be cyclops, would they? My cherry shrimp babies don't really move irratically, never had ghost shrimp though.Cyclops swim with a very jerky motion and are common in aquariums.

cherry shrimp dont have larva stage, ghost HAVE larva stage who is short 2 to 4 days max and dont require salt water.
so you cannot compare ghost shrimp and cherry shrimp breeding.
ghost do need micro nutriment for a few days after hatching , cherry young eat same thing the adult eat rigth after hatching who is not the case of ghost.
cherry shrimp assume benthic life rigth away after hatching and ghost not

the ghost shrimp larva is really didfferent from cyclops, they look like a comma in the water and swim  , they will not go on the bottom or decor.


Quotethe ghost shrimp larva is really didfferent from cyclops, they look like a comma in the water and swim  , they will not go on the bottom or decor.

Yep, that's what i'm seeing.  Little irratic commas darting around the tank.  Not really "swimming" but more like little jerky movements.  Blacked out the tank walls and only have light coming in from the top where i have duckweed.

I've been giving them inforusia in the tank.  When can I use a different food?  What do i use for a next food?


Quote from: gonna_b_no_1 on March 11, 2007, 09:15:46 AM
Yep, that's what i'm seeing.  Little irratic commas darting around the tank.  Not really "swimming" but more like little jerky movements.  Blacked out the tank walls and only have light coming in from the top where i have duckweed.

I've been giving them inforusia in the tank.  When can I use a different food?  What do i use for a next food?
when you can see them on glass, and decor and not swiming anymore , they are ready to adult food.
the will look like minitures ghost shrimp, and they will stop swiming .
again better remove anything else from the tank.


was looking in the tank tonight and noticed some baby shrimp that are a little under a cm long.  :D

I need someone to come verify them now :)