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cooler heads have prevaled... yééé for them lol

Started by hamstercaster, March 28, 2007, 12:58:28 PM

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Have a great day all


Hey Yvon,

Sorry to hear about all of this, but maybe you should sit back and relax for a bit before making such a harsh decision!

Keep the tank for yourself! As for disapproving spouses, I'm sure you can find a lot of other people on this site that deal with the same thing on a daily basis :)

Don't doooooooooooooooooooo it!!


i know my wife gives me a hard time sometimes and on more than one occasion i have considered throwing in the towel.
then i go downstairs, and sit in front of the tank for a bit and say. no. their mine, my preeeeciousssses...


Now on the other hand, if you really did buy them for her and have no 'real' interest in raising them then perhaps you, and the fish, are better off.

I do hope you are able to stick around, lounge or not, and that the right decision is made.


Sometimes when we try to help people we don't really give them what they need. Why not let her have the bowl and some goldfish? Let her grow in the direction she wants to with the hobby at her own pace.

Keep the big tank some where for your own project.




I realize that this is your choice you are making, and though it seems rash, I imagine that the arguments have been continual and mounting. Sorry to hear about that. The obvious thing is that your marriage comes first before any hobby, marriage is work, but worth it to some.

It is good advice to sit back a bit, and let it rest, but you alone know what you are up against, and I suspect the control issues around the birthday gift you took control over may not go away with the article in question still present.

Good luck with this mess, and hopefully everyone will come through all the better for it.




I think you should walk away from the keyboard and take a walk outside for an hour or so. It's a beautiful day out. Life is too short to get all worked up about things,  and its even shorter if you have to come online on OVAS and air your dirty laundry to the world...

take a break dude.. go for a walk... have a cigarette if that's your thing.


my dh and I constantly argue over the fish...whenever we fight that's the first thing that comes up, he says get rid of the fish and I shoot back he has to get rid of the tv :)

We've been married almost 6 years and he has FINALLY come around to having them (sorta not really) at least we don't fight as much over the fish...let things cool a bit!

Good luck
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Quote from: artw on March 28, 2007, 02:00:40 PM
I think you should walk away from the keyboard and take a walk outside for an hour or so. It's a beautiful day out. Life is too short to get all worked up about things,  and its even shorter if you have to come online on OVAS and air your dirty laundry to the world...

take a break dude.. go for a walk... have a cigarette if that's your thing.

I wish I could go walk outside for an hour or so but am at work and that's not doable.  I don't smoke... so that's not my think.  sorry for being such a low life and venting on the forums.  Sorry to have bothered you all with my life.  Thank you all for your advice.  I will follow artw's advice and take a break from the keyboard... or these forums at least and let things cool down.  I did not mean for it to go that far but I got cranked up everytime I was replying to messages.  You guys have a good day, good week perhaps or good month if we don't talk again for a while.  I think you all had enough of my babbling.

Cheers all and thank you all for your good advice.... lights out!!!


Once again, thank you all for your great advise and for putting up with me... Cooler heads have prevailed and you will be stuck with me for a while it seems.  Sorry to have poured that soap opera upon you all.  This wasn't the time and place for such a tirade to be given birth on these forums.  I also want to apologize for those of you who were expecting me to drop by tonight or tomorrow to pick some stuff up.  I'm embarrassed as one should be and hope you won't hold a grudge against me.  I will now take a few days and reevaluate everything and take my time before choosing anymore fish.  Thanks again for putting up with me and once again my sincere apologies to all. 

.... lights on :D


Sounds like a great plan, Yvon, great to see you've calmed down a bit ;)


Quote from: PaleoFishGirl on March 29, 2007, 08:47:08 AM
Sounds like a great plan, Yvon, great to see you've calmed down a bit ;)

I've calmed down a lot lol... It was all a misunderstanding and as usual I kinda overreacted a bit.... ok, a lot ;-)



Quote from: hamstercaster on March 29, 2007, 09:39:04 AM
I've calmed down a lot lol... It was all a misunderstanding and as usual I kinda overreacted a bit.... ok, a lot ;-)
AHA! Bingo, there is the one and only thing you can control, and that is your reaction, good luck with that! :)

Welcome back from the land of wherever you went, and now you can practice some safe fishkeeping that should come from interesting dialogue between the two of you, compromise can be a beautiful thing, particularly as she continues to let you play with her birthday present. ;)


Thanks guys... and girls.  Much appreciated and again, sorry for disrupting the forum a bit with my nonsense yesterday with my impulsive behavior ;-)


No problem, it's what we're here for - the support group for your addiction ;D
