Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Hericthys carpintis, the green texas cichlid

Started by Woody, March 30, 2007, 09:58:26 PM

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Here's a fish not often seen in the hobby, and I don't know why as the absolute gorgeous, so when I had a chance to get them I jumped on them.
Hericthys carpintis, the green Texas Cichlid, a little smaller than their counterpart, the Texas cichlid, and they have larger spots.
They surprised me with a spawn, the females stays above the terra cotta pot fragment will the male guards them from the other end, which by the way holds a tank of guppies. We all know how vicious they can be.
Don't mind the smudges on the glass, once the babies are gone I'll clean the glass good for future photographs.


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Very nice woody, good for you to be finding yet more obscure fish to enjoy. Are these about as big as they get? And are they a friendlier disposition? Good luck with the fry, and don't forget to document your findings.


Thanks Babblefish, and yes these fish are full grown, a good looking fish that max's out at around six inches. I found them to be very friendly to myself and have not seen any sign of aggression at all, even though I have read that they are aggressive.
I'll post more photographs as the fry develop.
