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who would of thought

Started by patria, April 14, 2007, 10:49:55 PM

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so yesterday i took down 2 of my tanks to sell off, and put all the fish into my 67g, i took a chance and it worked out for the better. i put 6 of my discus, 10 neon's, 5 zebra danios, and 20 or so of my guppies into the 67g with my colony of Pseudotropheus demasoni and my other colony of Pelvicachromis pulcher. i see my discus out more then i ever did. and the tank looks beautiful.




ya i know, they make a vary good tank mate, the discus have become the boss.



I don't know how many will think these thoughts, but I have to start by saying that in every possible circumstance, keeping the demasoni and kribs with the discus is beyond being a really bad idea, even temporarily. The different requirements in the water parameters alone are of great concern, but not nearly as much as the stress applied to all fish given their differing personalities. This stress plays out demonstrably in various ways, but most importantly, it almost always leads to exhibiting traits of various diseases and or parasites because of weakened immunity.

The other thing I would suggest, unless they are incredibly clean lines, which is rare, the guppies are bad tank mates for discus because of the possibility of passing along disease to the discus. The same is true for danios but to a lesser extent.

I'm sure the tank does look good, and good luck with this, but I can only suggest that in the long term, it is not going to be a very happy bunch of fish in there. The discus will eventually eat the neons too, but they will thank you for that of course.

I have to say that the discus also requires about ten gallons each for reasonable health and comfort, your tank is terribly overcrowded.


how many neons do you have left? ;)

I agree with is a really bad idea to mix these fish!!

but good luck...
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Other than the mixing issue... the second really big point is that tank is HEAVILY overstocked now.  If you were to take ammonia and nitrite readings, I would be very surprised if you get zeros across the board, unless you brought the filters over from the other tanks.  Overstocked tank + ammonia and/or nitrite = receipe for disaster.


This very bad idea will become apparant in a short time...


so far so good. i have 2 fluval 404s and 2 emperior 400s, all readings are good and everyone is breading. the funny thing is even my neons are breading, i found 5 vary little ones swimming in the tank.



Quote from: patria on April 17, 2007, 09:41:34 PM
so far so good. i have 2 fluval 404s and 2 emperior 400s, all readings are good and everyone is breading. the funny thing is even my neons are breading, i found 5 vary little ones swimming in the tank.

you have accomplished a great feat, neons are hard to breed in captivity  ( even by expereinced breeders), to have them breed in your set up is quite an accomplishment.


i think that would be a really fun tank to watch just to see what fish gets eaten next  ;D

and i thought everyone would say your Pseudotropheus demasoni would eat everything except the discus

with all those filters your tank should be good and clean, good luck with your fish you must be doing something right if there breeding or there just so scared of getting eaten there multiplying to save there own lives  ;D


Quote from: PoisonJello on April 18, 2007, 12:40:18 AM
i think that would be a really fun tank to watch just to see what fish gets eaten next  ;D

and i thought everyone would say your Pseudotropheus demasoni would eat everything except the discus

with all those filters your tank should be good and clean, good luck with your fish you must be doing something right if there breeding or there just so scared of getting eaten there multiplying to save there own lives  ;D