Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Who all is going to the SAM auction on the 29th?

Started by babblefish1960, April 21, 2007, 01:57:41 PM

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Just wondering, as it is only one week away, who intends to be going to the spring auction next Sunday?

There have been some changes to the carpooling, but it would probably be a good idea to see what sort of room will be available to people who don't drive that would like to go.


I`m interested in going , but need to await some other personal info. What are the changes to the car pool?


Unfortunately I won't know until the last minute (possibly Sunday morning) if I am going or not.

To all the new folks: the Montreal Auction is absolutely amazing, if you have never gone, its very similar to our Giant Auction but usually more items, and its in French.  There is also a killer breakfast buffet within walking distance.


hi, is there a web site for this and if not can some one tell me more about it.

Tks Dave



As interested as I might be in going, I will be busy setting up in the new house and will also be picking up the new cat that day!!!  Maybe in the fall for the next one.


Quote from: babblefish1960 on April 21, 2007, 01:57:41 PM
Just wondering, as it is only one week away, who intends to be going to the spring auction next Sunday?

There have been some changes to the carpooling, but it would probably be a good idea to see what sort of room will be available to people who don't drive that would like to go.
Are the changes going to be made known?


The changes will be announced at the OVAS general meeting at 7:00 pm sharp at the Jack Purcell centre. Please be on time everyone, being a little early helps the auction chair get everything in place without disruption.



I'll be attending the auction but won't be carpooling this year - I'll be in the city already.

Hope to see everyone there!!!


Is there going to be $15.00 per member up to 3 members this year for driving down to help pay for the gas?




Wow, Tuesday evening and very little in the way of apparent attendance figures. I guess everyone is going their own way?


I guess no one was going at all ::)

Pretty low numbers for the OVAS contingent this time :(.  That said, the entire auction was a lot smaller than it was in previous years, maybe because of the terrible weather?  It finished up before 6pm this time.

Dry goods and equipment were auctioned off first, then moved on to fish/plants/inverts.  I didn't buy anything or win anything in the raffles (as usual!).  Thanks to Jacques for explaining everything in English too, for the benefit of the 4 anglophones!  ;D

Maybe next time more of you will come out to support the SAM?


Did it seem to be a good idea auctioning off dry goods first?  how did that work?