Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

New here

Started by Ellypho, August 03, 2007, 11:51:47 AM

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Hey I'm new to Ovas
Hey all I would just like to introduce myself.
I'm Lyph, Lyph is my actual name before people start thinking it's an online name. I have just moved back from Halifax NS just recently when my parents broke up. So as a distraction i got into fish keeping. I started with a small one gal and a Betta but with many lucky breaks i now have three aquariums in my room. The most expensive out of all of them is my 2.5 because the rest were used. I hope to help out with what Little knowledge i have and inform myself as well



Welcome you will find some fellow endler lovers around here and there.


Do you think a 2.5 will be good for endlers?


welcome to Ovas... looking farward to reading your posts as they come.
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


Hey glad to meet you! I am from NB & my parents were from Bridgewater, NS.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
