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need advice on pricing a breeding pair and what to replace them with...

Started by groan, May 04, 2007, 09:09:21 PM

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I want to replace my Lemon Jake (Thank you Pegasus for a wonderful couple  :'(). I love them dearly but want to get something that is a little more rare around these parts. I still would like a breeding pair, trio, fiver,  but i dont know what to look for.

I am considering moving most of my commons in my sig, below, to bring in somethign a little less common, eventually, but for now, i need to keep the present population in mind.

so without further adooo, my questions are

1. What would be a reasonable asking price for a good breeding pair of Tank Raised, non-related, very promiscuous Aulonocara jacobfreibergi (Undu Reef)? I want these two to go to a loving home...they are seperated right now to avoid another batch of babies. Of course I sould be willing to trade whenI am ready to advertise these...Oh, This is not happening right away, but I am just looking for guidance.

2. What is a good choice of fish (or fishes) to watch for that is not so common around here and would fit into the tank you see below (the 70, unless they are little fry, then i would have to put them into a 10 to grow out.) The repacements do not have to be Peacocks again...
Thanks in advance!!!


nobody?  :-\
I guess i'll just have to come up with something...
Thanks anyways.


You impatient silly groan, it is the weekend, most of those that have much to say on the matter are 9 to 5'ers, that are at the hockey game or something.

If you want an opinion, I could always say, get rid of the African guppies from Lake Malawi and get some real fish, say geophagus anything, or some such thing.

There, feel better now? If you were really up for it, you could get yourself some mighty fine apistogramma species, that would be just peachy. ;)


lol, thank you dear bbf.

i guess i am a little impatient. oh well, i've listed the pair at a price i figure is fair given thier heritage and abundance of babyness.

as for leaving the realm of Malawi, not yet. im stil enjoying what the lake has to offer. maybe some day i will remove myself to explore another, but for now, Malawi is my aquatic home...that and my foray into SW...

thank you for your insight, i'll consider it.


I wish I had tried Nimbochromis before I gave up on the little beasties. But my tank was too small anyway.


heh, at a max size of 10 inches my tank would be too small too! lovely looking fish tough!


I saw some around 2" -3" the other day at a store. They look even better in person. They are all camouflage, giving new meaning to the idea of Marines  :D


and the reason for the camo...
". This fish hunts small, inexperienced cichlids by feigning death. It buries itself partially in the sand or lays on its side over a rock, remaining perfectly motionless. Its white color attracts small cichlids, which are caught with a sideways thrust upon approaching the predator."



Well, you could have tried my Ps williamsi North but all the fry from this batch are sold. However, I have another female holding so I should have more in a couple of months if all goes well. I might be persuaded to part with a few fossorochromis rostratus in a few month as soon as I can sex them. I have 6 and that will be too many for my tank. Big but not aggressive.


thanks, i waffled too long on buying the willi's...oh well. if i havnt found anything between now ant then i'll look you up. it is a beauty!