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Moving Posts

Started by Saltcreep, July 17, 2007, 07:48:36 AM

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Hi all,

I usually understand (or can figure out) why a post gets moved from one discussion area to another but, sometimes the reason seems less clear. I'm only asking this (and probably in the wrong place) because I'm curious. Why would a post about pet shops in Watertown or Syracuse or a post about Big Als gift certificates get moved to Freshwater Discussions? Both seemed perfectly suitable to where they were posted originally, The Lounge. I only ask this so I can better understand where to post.



If it is about fish specifically, it belongs in a fish discussion forum, if it is not about fish or fish related equipment at all, then it goes in the lounge. In this instance, as it is about the website and how it operates, it belongs in the web discussions. Were it about the club proper, then it would be in OVAS discussions. It is all fairly logical, excepting of course that there are occasionally threads that defy categorization.


Quote from: babblefish1960 on July 17, 2007, 07:59:22 AM
If it is about fish specifically, it belongs in a fish discussion forum, if it is not about fish or fish related equipment at all, then it goes in the lounge. ......

I have no problem understanding why this topic was moved; pretty much expected it. However, rather than clear things up, your reply seems to restate my original question. How does shopping at pets stores in the US or the question of which location to patronize to use a gift certificate rate being in Freshwater Discussions? Why not Saltwater or Nano? Big Als sells plants too so why not in 'Plants' ? Sorry Babble, I'm trying not to be overly dense here, I'm just having trouble understanding the criteria.


There are many forums now, that have only served to contribute to the confusion, but fish related often depends upon the intention of the poster as well as the content of the subject. Looking for a fish shop or details about a fish shop is fish related.


This is going to happen from time to time; people will sometimes disagree on where a post should go.  That's the downside to categories; the more you have, the more you need :)