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woohoo.. got my first canister filter... and an easy question!!

Started by hamstercaster, July 13, 2007, 09:03:05 AM

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I've been thinking about getting a canister for a while now but always held back as I had heard a bit too many horror stories for my liking ie: basement floods of biblical proportions etc.  Then, looking around and asking questions the name Fluval came up all the time as being the or one of the only culprit in that regard and talking to the knowledgeable staff at La Niche last night convinced me of going down that route.  So I got myself et Eheim 2213 good for 65 gallons although I have a 75 gallons.  The guy assured me that their performance was so good that it would do on a 75... but that wasn't really a concern as I have a AC300 and an AC50 running on the tank.. so enough filtration altogether for sure. 

Now my question is:  Is there a problem with running my Eheim 2213 and my two AC's all at the same time.  I don't think you can over filtrate and the guy at La Niche told me not to worry as you can never over filtrate but can under filtrate.... and as I don't have any other tanks to put my AC's on I was thinking on keeping them both running on my 75 with my Eheim... do you guys see a potential problem with that?


No problem, unless you have very slow moving or delicate fish, otherwise, the more te better


African cichlids in there so nothing delicate.

Thanks Matt


Should not be a problem and is a good way to get the eheim broken in.  


Woo, congrats. Once you go canister you never go back... seriously, we have them on all our tanks, even the little one, here.


Exactly.... oh and by the way, this Eheim 2213 is so freaking quiet.... If it wasn't for the spray bar I wouldn't know it's running!!!  I must also admit that my two aquaclear make enough noise to just bury the Eheim's noise lol


I would never buy those round Eheim Canister for 2 Reason.   
#1 Try to get spare parts when they break... Impossible it comes from Germany.
#2 Look at the waterflow... On the box they say up to 55 gallons, and the filter push 185gph. That's a Horrible Flow.

           Only my 2 cents with personnal experience !


congrats! I agree, once you've gone canister you can't go back!!

for parts, just order online...many places will ship internationally!

keep in mind they also have ac's on their flow should be ok!

Good luck :)
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Lucky that yes they have the aquaclear. Because I would NEVER Run
a Ehein Canister Filter Alone without having a Back up !  :D


That is interesting I love ehiem filters, and i do not find that they take long to get parts... they are also built better and have less tendancy of breaking I have a echo, 2026, 2028... and I have used other filter's and don't realy like them... P.S if you are looking for a cheaper version try the astro's ottawadiscus carries both at great prices

congrats on your new toy enjoy
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


I have to agree with the positive posts, Eheims are great filters, most especially the round canisters known as the classic series such as your 2213.  Having had canisters for many more years than I care to share, I love the classic series. As for ordering parts, I have never had a problem getting bits for them, but must stress that there have been very few times it has come up.

Eheim filters are quiet and incredibly reliable, things that any good quality piece of equipment should be.

I have used a number of filters from fluval over the years as well, and my faith with them has limits, I have gone no further than the '03 series, once they stopped being logical and simple.

I only ever purchase Eheims these days, and have had the classics for many years too, I really don't understand the negative comments about them.

Enjoy your new filter hamstercaster, as for running this new canister with the HOBs, not an issue really, so long as the flow is reasonable, think of your canister as a great biological filter instead while the HOBs do the dirt magnet stuff.


By no means to put down other brands, Eheim all the way for me, canister filters
and automatic feeders. They are trusted products as far as I am concerned.



Quote from: Element on July 22, 2007, 05:11:46 PM
I would never buy those round Eheim Canister for 2 Reason.  
#1 Try to get spare parts when they break... Impossible it comes from Germany.
#2 Look at the waterflow... On the box they say up to 55 gallons, and the filter push 185gph. That's a Horrible Flow.

           Only my 2 cents with personnal experience !

Sorry to disagree.  Eheim parts are fairly easy to come by both locally and through online stores and eBay.

As far as flow goes, power filters need a lot of flow because you need to have the water passing through the media 10x per hour (on average) for it to be effecient.  Canister filters are far more effecient than power filters in that sense, and thus don't need the flow rates power filters do.

That being said, most power filters will tend to do a slightly better job on mechanical filtration... but biological filtration is the canister filter winning hands down.

PS - I ran a 2213 on a 75 gallon aquarium for 2 years straight without a backup or any other filters at all and had zero issues.


To elaborate on what BD said:  Fast flow rates are actually counterproductive to biological filtration.  That's one of the reasons canisters are far better biological filters than HOB's; they have slower flow through the media.