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Do gold fish sleep?

Started by CMW, July 24, 2007, 07:32:34 PM

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I know this sounds like a very  :-[ very silly question but two of my shibunkins appear to be sleeping in the floating plants.

The fish keep uprooting the plants in the aquarium so I have given up and am letting them float on the surface as that appears to be where the fish want them.  Two of my shibunkins have taken to handing out in the plants, not moving a fin, just lying there. suspended by the "branches".

At first I though they had gotten stuck and were dead, but as soon as it was dinner time they were out eating with everyone else (I did not want to tap on the tank and figured -correctly in the end- that if they were alive they would come out for food).  They are not gasping for air, they are not lying on the bottom, listing to one side...nothing, they look perfectly healthy when they are swimming around. 

Could it be that they are catching a snooze in a plant hammock?   ???

Interestingly they were hanging out together....umm this is not some x-rated fish thing is it????  ;D  I really am not ready to handle nesting fish.....



Yes it is possible they are taking a "cat nap" in fact when most tropical fish "sleep" they hover near the top of the water usually in or near cover hardly moving, so yes they could be "sleeping".


Yes, for sure a cat nap.  Goldfish are generally schooling fish, and in keeping with the whole security in numbers thing, probably enjoy resting together as well.  Goldfish hanky panky involves pretty vigorous "dancing" -- so no worries there  ;)



Thanks.  They are welcome to snooze to their hearts' content. 

I love it that fish "cat" nap!
