Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Yellow Lab mini colony and fry

Started by hamstercaster, September 04, 2007, 10:27:20 AM

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Hey, I just got one of the 40g fry tank that Dark Dep had.. Now, I have some yellow lab fry that I have just transferred in that tank.  There are two different yellow lab fry in there... and the female who gave me those two batches is holding once again.. hence the fact I needed a bigger fry tank than my 10g lol.. now my question is this.. I'm a bit sick and tired of transferring my female back and forth... and would like a bit more room in my 75 in order to perhaps add more fish and I was wondering if I could put my male yellow lab along with his three females with the fry... would they predate on their own kins?? or will the male and female protect them?  There are plenty of hiding spaces for the fry.. many many many small holes etc.... amongst other things



You would lose a certain amount for sure.  One way to help limit the loses would be hidding places that are small enough that the parents and older fry cannot get into.  Holey rock is great for this!!


Quote from: hamstercaster on September 04, 2007, 10:27:20 AM
Would they predate on their own kins??

Crazy English language. I was trying to figure out what the verb form pf predator was myself for a few moments there.

Result: Would they prey on their own kin.


Well English being my second language... I'm prone on making some mistakes from time to time  ;)


No problem. Its my first language, and it took me a while to figure out as well.
English can be so weird sometimes :)