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Found some fry and I don't know what to do

Started by White Lightning, August 14, 2007, 12:41:07 AM

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White Lightning

Hey folks...My neighbour gave me a few cichlids last week and I am not sure what kind they are. I think they are frontosas but I am not sure. Anyways, I woke up this morning and went to feed them when I noticed about a hundred fry grouped in the corner of the tank. What should I do with them? I know I am gonna have to grab another tank at some point. When do you suggest I move them to another tank? What will they eat? And please let me know if I was correct in identifying the fish.

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You actually have the south american version of the cichlid guppy, called Archocentrus nigrofasciatus, or more commonly, convict cichlid or zebra cichlid.

Don't get too excited, you will end up with 1000's of babies before the fall, I would jsut leave them with the parents and hopefully everyone will eat them.  If you are insisting on perpetuating this cichlid, they will eat any sort of fry food, as well as live food like microworms and baby brine shrimp.  Have fun! ;)

White Lightning

Right on Jody. I knew you would pull through for me. So they are convicts??? That's kinda dissapointing. I've heard convicts are pretty rough customers. I have them in my tank with a bunch of gouramis. So far there are no casualties but I can see them being very territorial . They are much more exciting to watch then the gouramis. Consdering the option of getting rid of the gouramis and going soley with cichlids, what others would be compatible with these convicts?


Convicts are great little parents, but when in breeding mode, I am not so sure there are any fish they would back down from, which becomes a problem. It is really hit and miss what you keep with them, but something as a dither in the upper levels of the water column should be fine. Danios would work, though I cannot believe I just said that. :)


Convicts are neat fish, but they would breed in a puddle on the side of the road.  I'm actually surprised more people don't use them to generate live food.


Congrats on the fry! 

Convicts are great parents.  Just as DarkDep said, they're easy to breed...just add water!  You'll have lost of fun watching them grow.