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Giving in - buying an RO machine

Started by KLKelly, August 13, 2007, 11:14:12 PM

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I have a 90 gallon tank with what seems to be constant problems with my goldfish.  I have two that have wierd swelling.  Metro and Metrofood hasn't helped.  The Goldfish board thinks it all could be related to my water.

My husband is not going to be happy. Seriously.

So I have some final RO questions.
1.  I have three tanks on well water (65 gallons changed each week) and three that I cart water from my moms.  So I would need to make 72 gallons of RO water each week.

I am on a well.  How much water will I be wasting to prepare this water? 

2.  The largest water change is 45 gallons - 50% of my 90 gallon.  How would I go about getting the RO water into a large enough bin and without it flooding the house?  I have overflowed my trickle bins three times already.  One more flood and I probably have to replace walls.

3.  Anyone else use an RO unit with a house sump?  Can all the waste water drain into the sump without flooding?  What do I need to set this up?

4.  There doesn't seem to be a lot of pressure in the taps either so I hope that won't be a problem.

I don't want to buy the unit and then have to drive ten places in the city like I did when I built my trickle tower in the basement to gas out my wc water.

Anything else that I should be aware of - based on what you guys had to do when you bought your units?




I'm thinking about the aquasafe maximusII so far as it is the cheapest even with shipping.

I'll buy the tds meter from an ovas sponsor.

Can I buy a psi meter locally also?  If so any suggestions?


if you can hold off, Aqua Digital (see sponsor forums) is going to be carrying a line of RO units. have a look at thier most recent threads. i cant remember which one its posted in.
no shipping since they are in Orleans and you can just pick it up!

they dont have them yet but will.


You mentioned you have low water pressure. Low water pressure and low water temperature will reduce the efficiency of an RO unit. The RO unit will still work, it just won't produce the good water as fast. :)

For example, you buy a 90 Gallon/day unit. It will produce 90 gallons per day at optimum water pressure and temperature. If your pressure is low and your water temp is low (i.e. winter time) then it may only produce 70 gallons per day or maybe even less. If your water pressure is really low because you are on a well you may also need to purchase a booster pump to increase the output.  ;)

As far as waste water goes, it depends on what RO unit model you have, the type of cartridges used, how bad your water is, water temp, water pressure, etc... The units we work on vary. You can safely assume that for every gallon of RO water produced there will be 3-7 gallons of waste water. :)


As far as what to store it in.. try to find some food grade 55 gallon drums.  The big blue plastic ones.  Otherwise, I know of some people that use large rubbermaid garbage bins (new ones of course)


did you look at Ottawa inverts (Redbelly)? He carries an RO unit.

You could probably get some water from him as well so that you could test and see how much of your unfiltered tapwater you can mix back in to a achieve a sufficiently buffered water  ;)


I did but it was only a four stage (with one being chlorine removal which isn't needed on well water). Like I said I've been doing so much looking I am confused and a bit overwhelmed :(  I gave up last time I wanted to buy one and set up a trickle bin to aerate my water instead.  Hasn't seemed to improve the in tank particle problem or the fish health.

I will be using softened water.  My water has ammonia, sediment, iron, iron bacteria and sulpher - that I know of. The ph after trickling is above 8.4 and kh is 14.  Even though I use softened water it still smells and I have a non stop particle problem with my well water tanks.  I always seem to have one fish or another with issues.   :-[

I was looking at this unit - the feedback on ebay is good but I don't know how many people buy this unit for fish:
I emailed them and they say it includes the tds and psi meters, plus the replacement pre , post and DI filters for the next 3-6 years, the Case of 21 and a 48 ounce bag of DI Resin beads.

PS.  I am really glad you guys all participate and help out the way you do.  Thank you.


More questions.
In all my looking up RO Machines I didn't research buffers.

I will be using softened water so GH will be zero.  I'd like a stable ph above 7 but not african cichlid 8+
Any recommendations?

I've heard of the RO Right by kent marine.


GH and pH do not correlate.  You can add Baking Soda to up pH/kH, and simple epsom salts to up gH. 

How much?  Start with a tablespoon for 5 gallons, wait an hour, and measure.  You can buy both, very cheaply in bulk, from Bulk Barn.