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New fish for 10 gallon.

Started by latios, August 25, 2007, 01:33:58 PM

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I want to put new fish in my 10 gallon. It has no heater. Does anyone have any ideas?


White cloud mountain minnows should do rather nicely.


White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Zebra Danios (and most other danios), cherry shrimp...that's all I can think of off hand.  I think some speies of killi fish are ok in a non-heated tank.  I have a small tank on my desk at the office without a heater.  I have a cherry shrimp, a clown killie and a sparkling gourami in it.  The temperature is within the tolerable range for the gourami, but on the cooler side.  So far it seems to be doing very well.  All 3 are active and in constant search for food.


Here are some ideas, although I'm not suggesting getting all of them!

Although I keep cherry shrimp in an unheated tank at work, I would probably suggest ghost shrimp for an unheated home tank, especially if your home gets colder at night in the winter.

As suggested, danios and white clouds will do, although white clouds tend to stay smaller, so may be a better choice.

Ask your dad if paradise fish would be okay - I seem to remember they do okay in unheated tanks.  Also you may want to do some research into goodeids.  I googled them quickly and many types are fine in an unheated tank.  They're a livebearer and I understand not too difficult to breed.  Gonna_b_no_1 had some for sale on the classifieds a while ago. Again, do some research as I don't know much about them.

700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Depending on the average tank temp, I would look at the white clouds (both traditional and gold) with some sort of shrimp and maybe even a nice betta.


would a couple Kribs work wih a heater?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Kribensis would not do well in a 10 gallon tank, they are a larger fish with mass, and of course, territory concerns. They must have a heater in our region as well.


Quote from: babblefish1960 on August 25, 2007, 01:42:43 PM
White cloud mountain minnows should do rather nicely.

How many can I put in my 10 gallon? I saw them and there cute. Are they egg scatters?


Hello Latios
I highly recommend the white cloud minnows. I recently got 7 of them. :) :) They are so fun to watch. They are very playful. They like playing in the strong currents from my filter! Boy do they ever like frozen shrimp!!!! :D


Perhaps keep your eye out in our classifieds for a cheaper heater that could possibly expand the possibilities of fish you can keep? I'll even take a look in my fish stuff to see if I have an extra 50w heater that I can give to you!  :)

Laura - Paradise fish can definitely go in a non-heated tank. They actually can go quite cool and I've read about them being kept successfully in waters as cool as 55*F, which is only about 12*C. However, most other sources I've seen generally recommend between 60*F (15*C) and 80*F (26*C). They do poorly in tanks over the 80 mark though. Simply too warm!


We are going to dd a heater now. Just wanted to keep a basic, basic tank... like suggested though the heater opens many doors...

-looking at Mountain Minnows, 5-7
-Panda cories, 2-3
-scavenger shrimp? 10?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."