Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Photo of the Month Contest for September, 2007

Started by babblefish1960, August 31, 2007, 03:14:20 AM

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Welcome to the OVAS Photo Contest for September, 2007!


    * Everyone is welcome to participate
    * You can make a single entry only.  Enter your best picture!
    * Photos must be your own, and must be aquarium related.
    * The photo must NOT have been previously entered in an OVAS photo contest.
    * Entries will be accepted until September 24th.  Approx. 5 days of voting will follow, and the winner will be announced September 30th.
    * By entering a photo into the contest, you agree to grant OVAS specific usage rights to the photo (for possible inclusion in future photo galleries, newsletters, or promotional material).  You are NOT granting ownership rights, just usage rights.  You may watermark your photo with copyright information if you wish.
    * Photos preferably will be 1024x768 in size. You can upload them using "Reply > Additional Options > Attach".
    * During voting, photos will be voted on by forum members.  One vote per person.
    * Photo Quality matters, but the interest of the photo should come first.
    * You CANNOT vote for yourself.  I will enforce this.
    * To enter, simply post in this thread with your photo attached.

Good luck to all entrants this month!


I'll start things off this month with a picture of my Red Melon Discus.

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My yellow goby.  :D

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"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Here is my new little critter from Zap, one of my dwarf cajun crayfish (Cambarellus shufeldtii), peeking out from behind some java moss.

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I was taking pictures of my new yellow labs and he decided to "yawn" just as I was taking a picture.

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oooh very sharp pictures!  Going to be hard to pick one already.


I am not worthy, but...

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Koi Angel over a Lotus Leaf

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I include a picture of one of my favourite angelfish basking in the glow of the sun.

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Couple of my Kuhli Loaches hanging with some Cherry Shrimp.

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"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Here's a great shot of my Krib showing off :)

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Flinton tank guy tank after explosion. A bunch of cleanup was already done when the pic was taken.



Love is in the air
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


One of the current occupants of our tank, a gorgeous mottled stingray (Potamotrygon hystrix).  Just a wee little guy, about the size of a dessert plate.

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Awsome shots!

PeeFug!, great shot! woudl be nice to see a pic of the whole thing. I couldnt tell what i was looking at until i enlarged it.

Bruce :(


A. bitaeniata being a big boy in its blackwater tank

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be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031