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Rinsing filter media in tap water...

Started by PineHill, August 31, 2007, 09:13:39 AM

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I know that after cleaning the filter during a WC it isn't wise to rinse the filter media in tap water due to the chlorine and other toxins that will harm the helpful bacteria within the filter.  I was just wondering if anyone could provide some input to other reasons and more in depth explanations to what happens.  Also reassurance that I should be rinsing the media in removed tank water during the WC.  Thanks for any help.


Hi, I'm certainly no expert...
Having made that mistake myself, I can assure you that it's a legitimate concern. The filtration process is also a biological one here, and if you do destroy the good bacteria, the water turns white... At LFS, there is a product called B Clear that they will tell you might help, but it only lenghtens the time that your tank will take to cycle... They might also tell you to change the filter media : DO NOT DO That. again, it kills the process. That only solution is frequent water changes and do not touch your filter.
It took me a long time to get it... Looking at a cloudy tank for weeks...


Alright that makes sense, thanks.  It's a FW tank and I have sponge and active carbon in the filter.  So I don't rinse either of them in tap water right?  Rinse in tank water instead?


Thats what I have been told,  although I have rinced my filter in tap water before with no harmful effects...but just to be on the safe side I would stick to tank water.


Yes, If you have to rinse them at all. The bigger the tank,the better the filter, the less rinsing to do. How big is your tank?


Not sure if this answers your question, but check this link and scroll down to luvfishies description of cycling - it explains the whole process very well IMO.

Many members don't use charcoal unless we want to remove a smell or medication from the water.  I haven't used much besides a few foams in my filter for a couple of years.  I have one on the intake, and 2 in each filter.  If I need to change out a filter sponge for whatever reason (giving it away to cycle a tank, very old and needs replacing), or if it is very old and grungy and I can't clean it properly in used water, then I leave the other old ones in place so that there is plenty of bio bugs to keep the tank from cycling.

700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Until recently I have been rinsing both charcoal (carbon) and foam with tap water and haven't had any problems.  Although I guess if I hadn't been rinsing the conditions would have been better.  My tank is a 110G Tall with 2 9" Tiger Oscars and 1 common 7" Pleco.  I have two overhead filters that attach onto the back of the tank (also two power heads and undergravel filter) with a bag of charcoal in each, two foam inserts in each and a bag of Ammo-Rid (ammonia remover) in each.  I know charcoal is used to remove odour and medication, however I have always kept it in the filter.  Is this a bad idea or just not necessary?  Any advice or tips would be appreciated, thanks.


I am inclined to rinse my media in some dechlorinated tap water. I use a python and don't stop to save any used water for rinsing.
Laura is right, please read the article she suggests.
Charcoal - really not needed. If you like it, feel free to use it, but if you ever have to medicate your fish, you must remove it first.


For sure rinse your media in tank water to clean it. I know it sounds crazy in this sterile world......... of antibacterial soaps, specialty handsoaps and dishwashing soaps with added bleach.
        You've just siphoned off this gunky mess and to think you should "clean" a piece of filter media in it and heavens put it back in the tank :). But yep that's exactly the thing to do! you want all those nasties.......goodies to stay alive........Just keep squeezing it till it looks relatively rinsed( certainly not clean lol)
       I also have Oscars and don't use charcoal unless I use medication. I did use it when I was first starting out and the tank was cycling but only use floss, and ceramic rings now. hth
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