Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

I'm officially a member!

Started by Fishnut, September 10, 2007, 11:06:56 AM

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Hello, my name is Fishnut and I have an OVAS addiction and MTS.  I ahve been keeping fish since I was 7...that was a loooong time ago...and I have worked in several fish shops and run my own fish room.  I have kept almost all of the community fresh water fish, angels, discus, goldfish and an arowana. 

I took home a batch of baby salvini cichlids from the shop I was working at, which I raised in a tank on my patio for the summer.  I have never seen such healthy colourful fish.  They were fed once a week by me and feasted on mosquito larve.  I bred angel fish in my fish room as well as guppies and white cloud mountain minnows...although the white clouds were a surprise.

Now I'm into the freshwater shrimp and my CPD's (Celestial Pearl Danios).  The CPD's are breeding and I am in the process of collecting shrimp to breed.  I had success with Tiger shrimp, but the tank crashed and I lost everything :(.  A fish room is being planned for the basement which will be a cold water fish room.  Shrimp and CPD's like cooler water and I'll be building a tank into the wall facing the rec room but backing into my fish room, where some fancy goldfish will call home.

Here are some pics of my hobby in the past.

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Welcome to the club fishnut, I see by your pictures that you are indeed a fishnut too. I love that your arowana is named Stan, is he named after anyone you know perhaps? :)

A really long time ago was it, hmmm! Time is meaningless after a while. ;)


Stan's name just came to me.  I got him from an ex boyfriend who went to toronto one day and brought back this tiny arowana with a nearly full yolk sac, thinking I would appreciate this cute little fish.  What a winner he was  ;D  Anyways, I didn't think he would survive, but he did.  His first meal was a couple of pinhead crickets.  He grew to be 24" before he jumped and hit his head causing a cut above his eye that got infected and he died :(.  We even had 1/2" glass covering his tank, which was made our of fiberglass!  Poor Stan.


It was great meeting you on Saturday!
Love the pics!!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Thanks Nerine!  It was great meeting you too.  This club is full of great people!  :)