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Little Angels, or not?

Started by kennyman, September 13, 2007, 08:12:53 PM

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I just love my new angelfish! Earlier this year I changed my 55 gal over from an African Cichlid tank full of rocks to a fully planted aquarium with real mud and all. The plant part turned out to be easy, but stocking this tank was a bit more of a challenge. I tried Gudgeons, Gromnies and Barbs as feature fish but things were just not right. Finally I gave in and tried Angelfish. I had been reluctant to try them as I thought them too common, but what is not common these days, and they are a perfect fit from what I can tell over the past two weeks.

I have raised the temperature to 78 from 72 based on some reading here on the forums. They appear to be recuperating from the stress of all that goes with retail. Bits of fin rot or chewed fins are growing in just fine and no sign of stress induced  ick.

I do have some questions though for the other Angelfishophiles here. I got five with a body size around the diameter of a $2 coin. That is not including fins. Will I be able to keep this small school together as they mature? How will I recognize if a pair forms? Will they really get big enough to eat my Neons or Ottos?

A picture of them


I have bred hundreds of angels and had over a dozen adults at one point in my fish keeping history.  You will be able to keep these fish together successfully until two decide to pair off.  What will happen is you will look at your tank one day and notice that all of our angels and maybe the other fish will be occupying a small portion of the tank and two angels sill be occupying and defending the rest of it.  They have selected a suitable spot to spawn and are preparing the nest by cleaning and defending the area.

The angels might get large enough to eat neons, but by that point, the neons will have gotten larger too.  The Otto cats are usually in areas that are fairly inconspicuous.



Very cute fishies kennyman.  :)

I will second what Fishnut said.  You'll know when you have a pair, or more than one.    It's unfortunate really, as they are so pretty in a group, but inevitably, they will pair off and then all squabble, albeit in a very flashy, lovely way.  You'll find inevitably that to keep them all together you will have to get a bigger tank.  I'm pleased you embraced angelfish.  They may be commonly available, but they are full of personality and can be so beautiful and majestic.
(although you should not give up on gudgeons in your life, gudgeons rock.  :) )  All fish are fascinating in their own way.   The angels will get quite large, especially when you consider nice healthy fins.  My veiltails haven't quite finished growing and with the fins considered are 9-10 inches tall. Have you considered cardinal tetras over neons, they are bigger, hardier and prettier (and just a touch less dead common.  ;) )?  Also pencilfish, they go well with angelfish and they're one of my personal faves.


Thank you both for the encouragement. If the neons get gobbled I will go for cardinals. I have Crumpets painting of cardinals mounted into the door on the stand of this tank afterall  ;)

I dont know if I will go any bigger for a FW tank than this 55. Any further expansions will be with the reeftank so I guess that means I will have to brake up any pairs that form   :-\