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Parasitic anal worms

Started by fischkopp, September 17, 2007, 10:48:34 PM

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I am not sure whether these parasites are considered flukes too.

A while ago I had some one fish in my community that had this kind of red worms that look like strings comming out of his anus. This guy died a while ago, but now I noticed that my angels have these parasites too.

Does anybody know the name of these parasites and an efficient way how to get rid of them? Would Prazi help?

Thanx for your help!
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If they have a red tint - almost for sure callamanus!  I think the recommended treatment is levamisole.  Someone posted a while back on where to find it.  I'm sure if you search for the post you will find where they found it.  I'll look also.

Prazi won't touch them.

In the US the loaches online forum recommends farm/livestock feed stores. Here was the thread I was thinking of... no help telling you where to get it though


KLKelly , thanx for naming parasite and finding the link for me. This info helps me a lot!
be aware of the green side
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I've been told that they should be fed a medicated food as well...and they can be passed on by one dropping worms and the others eating them.

make sure you have the correct dose of levamisole, I've heard of it causing other problems....some people also recommend flubendazole

good luck!!
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usually a dewormer work well.
but levamisole is THE soletion of you problem.

treat the fish in food
but treat your tank also.

use tools for this tank ONLY or you will spread the worm everywhere
so no tools sharing between your  tank if you already did all the tank and fish has to be treated
this worm is pain an da pest.

good luck


Thanx again! I will try to find some levamisole somewhere.

In the meantime I will follow your advise and quarantine the tank and the equipment I used for it - hopefully its not too late for this  :-\
be aware of the green side
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