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Salt water tank challange...10 gallon!

Started by dannypd, January 28, 2005, 05:19:27 PM

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I am going to do an automated 10 gallon salt-water tank.

I am looking for other semi-experienced (or more, lol) programmers AND aquarists!

I am NOT looking for expensive hardware, but it may be needed.  I plan do this project in the next coming months (possibly in MAY, 2005)

Here's the current project requirements (asterix means I have it already):
(lighting will be figured out later)
2x5" computer fans*
1x100W heater*
1x10 Gallon Tank*
2x5 Gallon Tank
4xWater Pumps (50 gph min)*
Crushed coral substrate
Live Rocks
Various Marine Lifeforms
800Mhz (min) Server (Fedora core 3)*
1500VA UPS battery
DIY Salinity Reader*
DIY Tempurature Reader
DIY Skimmer
DIY Water Level Readings*
SeaSalt Mix*
DIY(hopefully) hardness readers..

Total cost must NOT exceed $200 (not including equipment I already own).

I am really into making my own equipment, the salinity reader was made by accident :P  but it works great and accuratly!  (see "ohms" in the dictionary)
The skimmer and tempurature reader may pose a challange and need purchasing...argh, atleast the latter could be hacked.

I will be writing ALL the software and hopefully other COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS could join in on the "fun" challange and help program the code.

Most of the setup will mimic my current setup, except it will have to be a little more precise and a bit more faster.

If I see a lot of interest in this, I may jump the aquarium size to 20 gallons...and double the resevoir tanks (eg: 2x10 gallons).


If this is SUCCESSFUL, I will consider setting up aquariums as a side job  (for under $5000, which is MUCH less then most professionals...some WAY more for monthly service calls).

Anyone interested?  Here's my requirements:

-C/C++ programming experience (java, perl, bash is OKAY too)
-Computer Hardware experience
-Saltwater aquarium experience

If you do not meet the above criterea, no need to apply.  I WILL need saltwater aquarium experience people LATER, but for the first stages of development, need not apply..  :wink:


Last question and answer for many:
Q:  WHY am I doing this?  

A:  I am taking computer science at algonquin and next semester will be entering into REAL TIME PROGRAMMING.  Most students use the 'train simulator' for their projects, but an aquarium is MUCH more challanging and much more profitable.  Also, it proves how computers can be much more helpful (even more) in our day to day lives.  With global warming affecting oceans, we may have to depend on man-made aquaria environments for future ocean species (I understand 10 gallons is SMALL, but its used as an EXAMPLE, due to its extremely unforgiving precise requirements...)

Alright, flame away!


If it doesn't distract from my work too much, I'll help you with some cpp and c.


im a programmer (C++) by profession. I'd like to be involved in some way. I can code, and might even be able to provide a server, but Im interested in understanding the electronics/hardware behind the probes and readers.

PM me anytime


Quote from: "dpatte"im a programmer (C++) by profession. I'd like to be involved in some way. I can code, and might even be able to provide a server, but Im interested in understanding the electronics/hardware behind the probes and readers.

PM me anytime


I will try to keep as much of this public, so others can follow (unless this gets too complicated!!)

I will not try to take too much of ANYONES time, because even I, work and go to school full time.   Most of the aid I will need will be debugging and other simple functions that I can't think of.


Hardware involved behind the readers:
(most of this stuff was SELF discovery and I hope not too many people steal this without crediting me...Daniel Deschamps ()

I had taken apart an old serial mouse and I noticed several sensors I could play with. So I placed 3 live wires into the tank (they were all negative, and a VERY small current...will NOT hurt the fish), one wire sat at the lowest point I want the water level to be, one wire sat at the 'ideal' water level' and the other sat near the surface, the TOO much water level indicator.

So, when the water level was NOT ideal, I had a pump turn on and pump water into the tank.  If the upper trigger went on, it stopped.  If the upper trigger went on, it drained a little.  If the lower one triggered, it added water, etc.  I dont seem to remember my exact logic behind this, I will have to see the switch/case statement I made for it.

Either way, upon doing this, my triggers would generate either OPEN/CLOSE (on/off).  0 would be OFF, and 0.0001+ v, would be ON.  I noticed that this voltage level fluctuated (ohms) and it led to the discovery of how much salt is in my water (general gravity).

For the tempurature sensor, I may try to steal a design from galileo and use the above, or buy a digital sensor from walmart and figure a way to hack it to make it compatible with a paralel or serial port...

Also, I am ONLY playing with serial/paralel ports...I will NOT touch any others.  (first, I know how these ports work, second, all older computers got 'em, third, if they somehow get cooked, i can buy a USB port replicator, hehe)


Danny. Good stuff. I like it when people put two hobbies together like this. I'm a computer guy myself but more into networks and that sort of stuff. I took Comp Sci at Algonquin a few years back. Sounds like you'd be more of a Comp Eng guy? Anyhow, keep us all posted on the progress. SOunds very interesting. I'm sure you can find some info like this on the www.

BTW, sounds like a 10 gal tank would be too small for salt water. I mean, it is not enough water to buffer mistakes and so if there was a problem with your application, you wouldn't know what killed the fish L0L


ohmigawd... chemistry and physics! :( Just keep the ripple tanks away from me.....


Quote from: "TBarb"Danny. Good stuff. I like it when people put two hobbies together like this. I'm a computer guy myself but more into networks and that sort of stuff. I took Comp Sci at Algonquin a few years back. Sounds like you'd be more of a Comp Eng guy? Anyhow, keep us all posted on the progress. SOunds very interesting. I'm sure you can find some info like this on the www.

BTW, sounds like a 10 gal tank would be too small for salt water. I mean, it is not enough water to buffer mistakes and so if there was a problem with your application, you wouldn't know what killed the fish L0L

Exactly, as it is now, we have to program (only the comp sci students..not the eng or programmers..) a train simulator.

There is an ACTUAL train setup, and I think 4 trains running at the same time.  We have to manage the tracks and keep them from crashing into each other...if the trains crash, or the program crashes, you fail...

but I understand what you mean by a 10 gallon being a small buffer...VERY challanging, lol.  Dont forget, however, I do and will have TWO tanks UNDER the main tank (hidden) that will have a LOT of salt in it, and the other FRESH water.   Adjustments made based on problems above, not enough salt/ph/dh, pump salt water, too much salt/ph/dh, pump fresh.


Quote from: "fishycanuck"ohmigawd... chemistry and physics! :( Just keep the ripple tanks away from me.....

Ironically, I failed BOTH above courses....   :oops:


This is really, really interesting!  I have some programming experience (QBASIC, Turing, and C++), but I haven't used it in a long time.  I'd love to help!



I am very confident in this project now!

Like I said at the top, I will be starting in MAY, after I'm done this semester.  I MAY be going to portugal in MAY, that's the other primary reason (portugal offers the beaches, lol, and african fishies).

Either way, right now, I am doing re-con, searching for people actually interested, so then I know this is not a failling project.  This will be a BIG project per se, so outside help should NOT penalize me what-so-ever.  If I had a big group work on that train simulator (which is a joke IMHO), then I would really be ticked at myself, but this?  real LIVE species?  !!!