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Started by Iceman, October 06, 2007, 12:31:08 AM

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I would like to have Rainbow fish. Tank is eighteen inches wide, thirty six inches in length, sixteen inches high. Can I house them in these tank and which ones would be comfortable?


Oh my goodness, did I read this correctly?  You want fish again?  Wow, I am stunned, okay, that is enough of that, excuse me while I grab another heart pill.

That's better, now down to business, rainbows are a wonderful family of fish to choose from, holy cow, so many darn cute ones.  Stay away from Boesmani rainbows, not because they aren't nice, but given the dimensions of your tank, it would be a little small for the size they get and the cruising they like to do.

I would suggest a number, there are tons, furcatas, peacock gudgeons, threadfins, mind you, you do have to be careful who is placed with whom, as some species will hybridize, and of course, some are susceptible to being picked on by other fish in a community.

There are a couple of serious rainbow people here who will pipe up, I just couldn't resist teasing you about actually wanting fish again. I guess all the ones you had, finally snuffed it, sorry to hear, and good luck with the re-igniting of the old setting up anew bug. ;)


Oh Babble read the bit below each post. My community guys are alive and well. In fact, they seem to be giving me the f...The Slave Mart White Tetras are delirious with joy in the new tank. The Silvertips are still doing the dance, they've got to be gay, not that it matters, and the Red Eyes are going WWWHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... They are free to live as long as they can.

I do want to get Rainbows, Boesmani Rainbows was my first choice, but it's clear my tank is too small. Going to have a look at your suggestions.

Can Rainbows be added to the fish currently in the tank?


Best rainbow info site

Check it out, lots of info on each species.  Forget the threadfins(Iriatherina werneri), so sad, or the blue eyes (Pseudomugil), they are somehow beautiful and comical at the same time, but not good to put with your melange of fishes.  I would suggest checking out the above site, then the LFS to see what they have available.  Fortunately, there are a lot more rainbow varieties available locally these days than a year or two ago.  I can't sing the praises of rainbows enough, they are attractive, entertaining and interactive.  :)  My male pseudomugil gertudae is the first to the front of the tank, waving his funny little fins at me saying hello.  I always laugh.  It's a good start to the day.


Thank You succinctfish for the link. I'll keep asking questions until my current troops get discharged.

After that, I'll be a pain in the.......


UPGRADE!   :D  you know you want those it....DO IT!!   8) 

the big rainbows are beautiful!!  red, turquoise...
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Dwarf neon rainbows are very nice as well, as good school of those would be nice.
Madagascar rainbows also stay smaller


I'm glad more people are posting on rainbows.  They are such a cool fish and their displays are so neat to watch.


I have some with my Malawi and they have adapted very well to the pH of over 8.  Nice looking fish indeed.


Australian rainbow and Irianian Red are another two to avoid. They grow large and agressive :)
75 gal - Mosquito rasbora, Bushynose pleco, RCS
9 gal - CRS
40 gal - Longfin Albino Bushynose pleco, RCS


Quote from: KLKelly on October 06, 2007, 06:31:49 PM
I'm glad more people are posting on rainbows.  They are such a cool fish and their displays are so neat to watch.
I am too!
I recently inherited PFG's "bad boys" lol....3 Melanotaenia boesmani.
They are beautiful fish, not only coloring but temperment as well. I would have to say though that they do enjoy the longer tank. Not only are they a longer fish but deep as well. Big Als' has or had some last week if you're interested. They also had the dwarf neon in and they are very nice as well.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


How available are the smaller Rainbows?


I do see them from time to time in Montreal maybe SAS will have some... ;)