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Help on Angel fish

Started by Gilles, October 15, 2007, 08:52:40 PM

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I have 3 large Angel, one female and 2 males, Today the female started layingher eggs, of course the males are fighting...actually lip lock at times. The females put in one row of eggs and the winning male eats then, if he doesn't then she eats them.

Is thought the male should go behind and fertilize the eggs? Should I separate them?

and of course the other fish go around and eat the eggs to when they can.

I know they will lay again right? if so should I put a male a female in a separate tank?



If you're going to separate them, you have to figure out what male she has bonded with.  The males aren't fighting over "breeding rights", but her chosen male is defending the nest and the opposing one is too thick headed to run away.  Until he feels the nest is safe, he likely will continue eating the eggs.  The female lays anyways because where else are her developed eggs supposed to go?  (I had a single female who laid eggs! :))  The male will destroy the nest himself before he lets another fish do it...especially another male angel fish.  If one male keeps hanging around the female, that's likely her chosen mate and he should be the one you separate with her.


If you add more females to the tank the problem should go away. Both males will fight for breeding rights even if she has choosen her mate. Be careful though, The last time a couple more females were added to a tank in this household... we magically ended up with 100+ fish :D


Thanks guys, of course they hate all the egges but it was fun to watch the battles and so on, next time I think I will seperate both of them into their own tank ;D

Finding other females unless they are adults is not easy to tell, so unless someone has a few females they want to sell let me know 8)



You probably want to seperate to lonely male instead and leave the pair in the same tank. The pair will lay eggs every three weeks or so :)
75 gal - Mosquito rasbora, Bushynose pleco, RCS
9 gal - CRS
40 gal - Longfin Albino Bushynose pleco, RCS


Ya but then I have the tetras that are pretty quick and go after the eggs >:(....I'm thinking of a seperator for the tank :-\ is that possible for a 65 gal tank :-\

Thanks guys and opf course ladies.



I'm pretty sure if you remove the excess male, the remaining bonded pair will have no trouble whatsoever keeping the tetras away. You may not get a hundred percent hatch rate but who wants that many angels to have to re home? Once the fry become wigglers or free swimming you can syphon them off and become a full time fish mom.  :)
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