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What type of synodontis? If any at all?

Started by Jesse, October 21, 2007, 11:08:41 PM

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Hi everyone! At Petsmart Barrhaven, our store has come up with an idea to train our "petcare" associates by making us choose 2 tanks in the store and turn them into a biotope. I have chosen for my first tank to do a tanganyikan setup. For fish so far I have Neolamprologus tretocephalus, Neolamprologus leleupi, and Neolamprologus brichardi "daffodil". I have been reading up on synodontis, and have found that quite a few species are tanganyikan, but what kind, if any at all, is best suited to my biotope? It needs to be tanganyikan, I am being very anal about bending the rules. I can try and get pictures of the setup if needed for whatever reason. Thanks a bunch in advance!


Quote from: Jesse on October 21, 2007, 11:08:41 PM
Hi everyone! At Petsmart Barrhaven, our store has come up with an idea to train our "petcare" associates by making us choose 2 tanks in the store and turn them into a biotope.

Sorry I do not have any suggestions or answers, but that is the coolest idea I hae ever heard!  Now that would make me want to go to work, even on my days off ;-)


IMHO, the prettiest Tang catfish is the Synodontis multipunctatus.  I have a colony of 11 and they're my favourite fish.  A little pricey but worth it.

Keep in mind tho, that until you have a decent number in the tank (6 has been the magic number I've found) they will hide a lot.  Once you hit 6 they are out all the time.  The only reason this is unfortunate is because they're pricey.


Quote from: DarkDep on October 22, 2007, 08:04:24 AM
IMHO, the prettiest Tang catfish is the Synodontis multipunctatus.  I have a colony of 11 and they're my favourite fish.  A little pricey but worth it.

Keep in mind tho, that until you have a decent number in the tank (6 has been the magic number I've found) they will hide a lot.  Once you hit 6 they are out all the time.  The only reason this is unfortunate is because they're pricey.

I'm with you on the  Synodontis multipunctatus, but if the tank is smaller Synodontis petricola might be better depending on the tank size as they stay smaller.  They are very similar to the Multipunctatus..... but stay a bit smaller.

I has 6 Multipunctatus and they are great



Petricola are very similar in look, so yes they might be better for smaller tanks.  However, Multipunctatus grow very slow so tank size shouldn't be an issue for a long time :)


I have some Synodontis Petricola.  They are similar in appearance to the Synodontis multipunctatus but is the smallest of the catfish.  They get along well with all my Africans.


how big is the tank?, I would get some julies, calvis or comps... and maybe some cyprichromis.
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


I have basically no limit on what I can get, and how much I can spend, the store is paying for it all (its IN store, until I buy the fish myself :P)!


Multis and petricola are the only Tang Syno's you're likely to be able to find, unless you get lucky, there's I believe 4 or 5 other species in the lake but rarely available.


Quote from: mseguin on October 23, 2007, 12:20:04 AM
Multis and petricola are the only Tang Syno's you're likely to be able to find, unless you get lucky, there's I believe 4 or 5 other species in the lake but rarely available.

Now listen to your future boss  ::)  I would also go with the smaller of the two unless you really have the room for 4-5 bigger ones.


Quote from: beowulf on October 23, 2007, 06:19:03 AM
Now listen to your future boss  ::)  I would also go with the smaller of the two unless you really have the room for 4-5 bigger ones.

I'd go for the Syno Petricolas unless you can go for at least 6 of the 4-6" Multi's.  Another plus the Petricolas are a substaight breeders, so a nice cave filled with marbles and you might be able to breed them after they mature.




A novel idea; suggest you go with S. Petricola. These grow to a maximum of 3-4" and are quite active in a group of four to six.

I also have S. Multipunctatus but these grow to about 6". Unlike Multipunctatus; Petricolas have a white fringe around their fins.

These are available at Big Al's in the East end for $50.00 apiece (1-1.5" in length). They also have a few bigger ones at $75.00 apiece. Too pricey by any standard. I bought mine from Spencer Jack at $10.00 apiece. I think he still has some 2" in length at $19.99 each.

I will drop in to see you Tang setup; I find that the species you have chosen have a lot of character and are always a treat to watch.
