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how long for eggs to hatch ????

Started by steve, October 25, 2007, 06:35:01 PM

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Hi every one !! I think my black calvus laid some eggs in a shell.
the big male was constantly watching the shell no one was allowed near it . he was trying to get in it but was unable to fit in .
i took the shell out and put it in another tank.Since the shell curves inside i am not able to see if there's eggs in it . so how long for the eggs to hatch ? how long should i wait before putting the shell back in my main tank ??



Not an expert on egg layers, but I think you need to put eggs in a tumbler and have some kind of airstone near eggs to move water.  With the parents there they would keep the eggs from fungusing up.


Actually, for the calvus/compressiceps, you don't tumble the eggs.  Just leave the eggs in the shell and it'll hatch in about a week.  The female constantly guards the egg so no intruders allowed :)  The eggs are cream white in color and much smaller than mouthbrooder eggs.  Hatching the eggs is not a problem, but keep the fry alive is another story...  I've gone through 2 batches with no success yet :(  Best of luck!

    [li]72 gal bow: various exotic cichlids


It sounded like he took the eggs away from the parents and put them in a separate tank.


Yes i separated the eggs from the parents the eggs are in a shell in an aquarum with nos fish , is that ok ?
cause i heard the parents would eat the eggs .
what should i do ?



No experience with Calvis yet, but you could put an airstone near the eggs or build an egg tumbler.  Search with google.  Where are you located.