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Coral help - identifying/issue and placement advice

Started by KLKelly, January 21, 2008, 03:11:01 PM

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I posted on nano-reef because our toadstool after a week of looking amazing bent over and retracted. 

We had added a couple new corals a couple days before and I was worried one was messing with the tank. I did add fresh carbon in the back of the AC110 fuge.

Here is a pic of the one - I think our setup might not be compatible.  It is casting away mucous.  Our lighting is only 96 watt.  Is this bad for our tank?  If so anybody want it?  It was given to me for free so I will give it away.

And our toadstool is now back to acting happy. We put the powerhead on this side of the tank last night and it is getting more flow.  Nano reef said I have it placed too low.  Based on this picture - where would you guys put it?  I'd rather get advice than learn on my own at the expense of it.  I really love it.

Full tank shot:

Thanks guys.


It looks like an Acropora (s.p.s), in which case it needs high flow, and very high light,(metal halide). I would place it as close to the top as possible and directly in front of the powerhead. The high flow is nescessary to help the coral shed it's mucus, to avoid suffocation.  If the small polyps are extending, that's good.


Yeah - I can see them extending and it looks really cool.

I hope someone can take him.  We don't have high light.  I'll put him right in the flow of the powerhead till we find it a good home.


Where would you guys put the toadstool?


Yes, I have to agree with Beertech, By putting more flow on the coral it will remove the mucus slime from it. As for the light, I am not sure if with only PC it will survive.



that looks like possibly a tricolor [just a guess]. that tank is a new setup so it might not make it. it could survive up high but chnaces of it getting the awsome color or growth are pretty slim. never know :)


Thanks guys - it now has a new owner and I hope it does well.  I really liked it : (

Where in the tank would you guys put the toadstool?  Think it would do well if I left it where it is?


also, witha smaller tank like that keeping SPS with leathers is never a good idea. even if you run carbon some leathers emit strong inhibitors [chemical warfare]


I'd place the toadstool in med- high light and low to med flow.  Or wherever it seems happy and extends it's polyps. This may take a few days after being moved. It's normal for all leathers to shrivel up for a day or two every so often, so give it some time to adjust. 
Good luck,