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Fat Boy - bloated demasoni?

Started by Soft1, November 01, 2007, 05:08:58 PM

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So, we've had "Fat Boy" for a couple of months...yes, he's always a tad round but he's suddenly gotten hugely round!  He's pretty much spent most of this week hiding or sitting on the bottom of the tank.  No marks, fins look fine, tank mates are happy but "Fat Boy" is really bulging!

So, we figured he may be consitpated - we've tried frozen peas and canned peas - he simply won't touch either of them.  We are missing a very small yellow lab - but that one went missing a couple of days after "Fat Boy" was already hiding out.

He can barely swim...but when we open the lid or stick the net in he moves just fine...or at least long enough to hide in a different spot.

Any ideas? 


aw, sounds like fishy has a case of malawi "bloat".  :(  sorry to hear...I had 2 estheraes die from this.  I think maybe your guy might be too far along to help, but here's a link for you.
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

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We lost him on Friday night.  However, thanks for the article!


For the future, pick up some Metronidazole.  It has worked several times to cure Bloat for me.


Thanks!  Will definately do that.

I've read a few articles regarding 'bloat' and some indicate that bloodworms are one major culprit.  Any one had any experience or info in this regard?


Never seen that.  Bloodworms are protein rich, and that can be a risk for herbivores.  But it's not specifically the bloodworms.