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plant clasification?

Started by redbelly, January 27, 2005, 08:43:34 PM

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What do you think, is this still considered an aquatic plant or is it a house hold plant at this point?


haha thats nice man! hahaha wow
370g System

220g tank, 65g Sump. octopus Cone skimmer xp-5000, vertex zf-30 nitrate reactor, RX6 DUO Ca reactor, Mp60w Ecotech pump, 2x 400w MH XM bulbs 15k. All controlled with DA RKE-net controller, Water Blaster HY-3000 return pump, Vertex Zf-15/Carbon, Vertex Zf-15/GFO


1) What kind of plant is it?
2) Do you want to sell cuttings?
3) Your tank has an interesting shape. What are its dimensions? It seems low.
4) How many watts per gallon are over your tank?


I not entirely sure what type it is but i am 100% sure that it grows VERY largeand is quite hardy too. My piranhas have never killed a single leaf. Yeah i would sell a cutting, but i have to put the shoots it has been producing in the water as the need to grow some roots first.
As for the tank, i built it so it has unique dimentions. There is one foot of water above the gravel (cant remember the exact depth) and it is 4 feet long and 18 inches deep. My piranha's really seem to enjoy having a greater surface area than depth. In deeper tanks they were not eating off the surface, which means i can only give them live food which gets expensive after a while. I currently have the glass to build them the exact same size tank, just 18 inches deep as I think now that they are bigger they might still eat off the surface at that depth.

as for lighting i have 4, 4 foot florecants over the tank. 2 plant and aquarium bulbs and 2 daylight bulbs. And this plant seems more than happy with that to say the least.


Do you have a cat, dog or children in the house? Keep them away because it looks like that plant will snatch them up!!
Reminds me of a movie long time ago....????


wow!!  that is an AWESOME plant!!  I would love to snag a piece of ya!  

For the plant growing out, I had a plant that did the same thing, but brought a LOT of water OUT of my tank...(anacaria (sic) is that name I think?)


what do you mean it brought a lot of water out of your tank exactly.
for those that are interested i cut off a piece of one of the runners and have am seeing how it does.


I am not sure, I just had a lot of water around the tank when it went over, it seemed to have 'funneled' water out of my placing a wet cloth on the inside of the tank, and let it hang on the outside.  It wasn't a MAJOR flood, but enough to cause some damage to the wood shelf.


QuoteDo you have a cat, dog or children in the house? Keep them away because it looks like that plant will snatch them up!!
Reminds me of a movie long time ago....????

Well, unfortunately I left my chinchillas out in my room overnight to let them get some extra excercise. When I got up this morning there is no more of the plant hanging over the top of the hood. The little guys must have hopped up there and across the lights while I was asleep. I am just glad that they didnt happen to fall in or else the piranhas would have gotten a rather unfortunate treat.


althought this plant was reduced in size i did put the remaining part of the shoot in the water and there are some nice roots forming so it shouldnt be long until they are ready for anybody that wants one.


Most aquatic plants "flower" when they grow "out" of the water (including certain hornwort...)

I am very interested in this plant you have!!  I have been VERY UNsuccessful with plants in my brackish water tank (1.010-1.015).  Hornwort falls apart after a few days (NOT by the fish), Anacais/Anabis/whatever weed (tired, sorry) just seems to go PALE green and stops growing (it doesnt lose its leaves..), java ferms go brown...really...then die off without growing new shoots.


Funny... java fern is certainly known as a brackish adaptable plant.....


how long should the roots of plants be before i make them available? is this good?
they are curently growing about 1/2 an inch per day so its not a big deal for them too just starting to think they might get too big!


dannypd, im not sure how this plant would do in a brackish tank if you are having problems with java ferns. I do know that it is most certainly my hardiest plant.


also what would be a fair asking price for one of the plantlets?